Sith Week

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Quick A/N: I almost never write about Sith, so I'm hoping that this isn't horrible. Also, I got sad writing this, so here's your warning. Btw, this was posted as the first chapter in a new book , but I figured people would see it if I posted it here, too. Enjoy! :-D

Darth Vader was a name spoken in fear.

Everyone knew who he was. If you didn't, you probably lived in a cave.

But nobody really knew Darth Vader or who he used to be. Nobody knew why he walked in a path of darkness, determined to stay stuck in his ways of anger and despair.

"Who was he?" people may ask to one another, quietly, once sure that they were as far away from the Sith Lord as they could possibly get.

"What made him this way?" They may ask. "I'm sure people aren't born filled with bitterness and hate like he has. Someone has to have answers."

And yes, some people did. There was problem with that, however.

A majority of those people are dead.

It's a majority, though, so at least it's not everybody.

There are at least two remaining:

Ahsoka Tano and Captain Rex of the former 501st.

They knew who he was. They might not know everything, but really, who does?

Darth Vader was determined to take them out. He needed to get rid of his past, of anything- or anyone, that was a part of it.

He needed to get rid of all the bad memories.

Slavery, sand people, sand, the whole Clone War, the betrayal, Ahsoka leaving.

The list there is short but powerful.

But on the flip side, the good memories just couldn't remain either.

Rex, Cody, the 501st. Waking up and eating some dry meal bar while laughing with friends. Battling some droids while turning it into a game. Snarking back and forth with Obi-Wan.

Winding down after a rough battle. Buying drinks for the others or taking part of whatever popular bet was going around with the clones. Relaxing in bed after a stressful day.

Then there was the rare, special moments of peace that he used to cherish so much. The moments when he held Padmé close as they laid out back and watched the stars. The moments where Anakin got to actually teach Ahsoka in the comfort of the temple instead of risking their lives out in the battlefield.

The joy when Anakin learned he was going to be a parent.

Darth Vader needed to forget all of this. He needed to ignore it all, but that's not as easy as it seems. Ignoring (or fighting,) his problems won't just make them go away.

But from all of this, there was one thing that he knew for sure.

Anakin Skywalker had to be no more.

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