A lil' Specter 7 and the end of an Empire.

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A/N: This is set a few years off, around the Battle of Endor.


One day Kanan and Hera were a little too good at keeping secrets
from the rest of the crew.

Or not.

The whole crew was relaxing for once when Ezra smacked Sabine to get her attention.

"Did you notice something?" he whispered.

"Be more specific."

"About Hera."

She rolled her eyes and moved to attack his character in the game they were playing.

"Of course I have. Where do I even begin?"

"I'll do it then. For one, she's switched between being way happy or wanting to shoot everything. And usually while we're near stormtroopers​."

"Absolutely. And Kanan is way protective with the missions she goes on. She's a general, she's not just going to sit on the ship because he wants​ her to."

Chopper beeped his approval and Zeb nodded.

"Something's going on with those two," he said.

"Definitely," Ezra replied, nodding. "Wait, gah! Sabine!"

"I win," she said simply. "Next round?"

"Let's do it."

"I'm next," Zeb stated. Looking back and realizing Kallus was there, he added, "Us next."

"Speaking of Kanan and Hera earlier, where are they?" Kallus asked.

Even as he said that, Hera came near the room, talking into her com-link.

"Yes. Oh, that? That's going fine. Ready any time."

Then they saw her completely stop.

She gripped her com-link and nodded slowly. "Yes..."

Kanan motioned for the others to come over and he went over to her.

She ignored them and waited for a response. "Senator Organa?"

Bail's clearly excited voice came back. "Yes, I'm here. What were you saying?"

"I wasn't. You were, mentioning the Endor strike team... Is that cheering in the background?"

"It is," he replied. "The strike team was successful."

"How successful? Did they destroy the second Death Star?" Hera asked.

"Oh, they definitely did. I'm sure you've heard of Luke Skywalker?"


"He was on the Death Star with Vader and the former Emperor."


Bail was silent, and none of them needed the Force to sense his grin.

"T-thank you for calling, Senator."

Hera silently turned off the com-link and turned to look at the others.

"Former Emperor. Ezra?"


"Go call Luke and ask him what happened."

He ran out of the room and came back in stunned silence. "Well. Two things. One: He showed up, he's Vader's son, and Vader got mad and well... Former Emperor. And second thing, we're invited to a celebration currently going on at Endor."

It only took three seconds for everyone​ to go insane. Cheering, crying, yelling, beeping... You get the picture.

Hera was the only one that wasn't freaking out over that. She was looking straight at Kanan with a concerned look in her eye, mouthing something to him.

He leapt up, turned on her com-link and yelled, "Kriff kriff kriff. Kids! Kallus! Kids and Kallus! We all have to leave right now and go to a medic." 

"What?" Ezra questioned.

"Why?" Sabine chimed in.

Zeb groaned. "Karabast."

"No questions!" Kanan yelled. "Now Hera, we have to g-"

Hera simply gave a look.

"I'll fly," Zeb suggested.

Everybody screamed.

Chopper grumbled and started to fly.

"Hera," Kanan began. "You can't fight me over this, but I kinda have to call Cham."

"Oh please no."

He ignored her and turned on the com-link. "Hi, Cham."

"Hello. Is something wrong?"

"Um, not entirely. You see,-"

Ezra suddenly yelped and shook his head. "Kriff no. Why weren't we informed?"

"It's just a guess!" Sabine yelled.

"She's fine, idiots!" Zeb told them. He explained to Kanan, "He thinks she got injured nine or ten months ago and wouldn't tell any of us."

"That's not it."

"Hello?" came Cham's confused question from the com-link. "What's going on?"

Kanan looked around. "Yelling, laughing, and beeping while I'm trying to explain to you why I called!"

"Let me talk to Hera, then."

"You can try, she's trying to shut everyone up."

He handed it to Hera, but sure enough, she didn't notice.

Chopper beeped something from the cockpit, explaining that they were there.

"I'm just gonna say it straight out. Hera's about to have a baby."



Cham showed up a bit later. After a lot of explaining, screaming, and crying, they all walked in to see Hera holding a small bundle in her arms, grinning.

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