Honey, I Shrunk The Jedi.

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"Where is he? Where's Obi-wan? Is he okay?"

Mace nodded. "Sit down and calm down. Yes, he's alive. There's just a.... slight problem."

Anakin squinted suspiciously. "How slight of a problem are we talking about?"

Mace looked over at Yoda. Yoda shook his head. Behind them, several other Jedi facepalmed.

Anakin looked over at Rex, in hopes that he would understand what's going on, but the other man simply shrugged at him.

Since Obi-wan wasn't dead, he wasn't too concerned. And now, luckily, Anakin was calming down too.

"Okay, so if he's not dead or on the verge of it, what could be so bad that none of you want to tell us?"

"I know this sounds unbelievable-" Mace started, only to be interrupted by an impatient looking Shaak Ti.

"It sounds like it because it's so stupid I wouldn't believe you if I wasn't there."

Mace took a deep breath, as if bracing himself for something.

"Obi-wan is nineteen years old again."

Anakin blinked. Then he bursted out laughing.

"You're right, I don't believe you. Okay, so really, what's the problem here?"

All ten council members in attendance stared back at him, faces completely serious.

Anakin stopped laughing.

"I don't think they're kidding," Rex told him quietly.

All the other man could manage was a weak nod. It took him a few agonizing seconds to speak up.

"Nineteen. As in, years old? How?"

The council members shrugged, except for an even more impatient looking Shaak Ti, who was looking toward the window as if she was expecting something.

"They touched an ancient artifact that they shouldn't have been touching. And it did.... that."

"It made them younger. Which is kriffing insane- what, Rex?"

He turned around to face the other man, who had been calmly tapping him on the shoulder the moment before. He may have been acting calm, but boy did he look panicked. And really, who could blame him?

"We have a problem." He was looking off toward the doorway.

"I... yeah, I know that. So do you?"

"Not that problem. I mean, yes, it's related to the fact that two people are now tiny Jedi, but a nineteen year old Obi-wan is not our problem right now. He can probably handle himself just fine."

"They never said it was two Jedi," Anakin answered, starting to look concerned all over again.

"I'm not going to be on babysitting duty."

The concerned look intensified. "Are you feeling okay?"

Rex tried his very best to not roll his eyes. Shaak Ti, however, did not do that.

Then, she looked toward the door, and her eyes rolled even harder.

"I'm not babysitting this child," she stated. Then she looked over at Rex, who was shaking his head at her.

"This is not what I was trained for. I was trained for fighting, not taking care of little kids."

"I can help with that," called out a new voice. Looking half tired and half in shock, Plo walked in. He looked around the room and quickly tossed his lightsaber at the nearest person, which happened to br Rex. He quickly ducked, assuming that it was on, and was relieved to see that his head wasn't chopped off.

"Sorry," Plo said, in a voice that did not indicate that he was actually sorry at all. He shrugged and nodded toward the kid he was holding. "Had to put it somewhere. She keeps wanting to play with it."

Sure enough, the little girl had her hand stretched out to grab at it. Plo immediately yanked her hand down.

"You threw it at his face!" Anakin exclaimed loudly, ignoring the child entirely, who had tilted her head at him, confused.

"The lightsaber was off!" Plo yelled back. "He's perfectly fine!"

"You chucked a metal death sword at his face."

"Sword?" The child asked curiously, her hand still outstretched to grab at it. Plo sighed and pulled her hand down again.

"No sword."

She shook her head, determined. "Yes, sword."

"Please tell me that 'sword' was not her first word. Please tell me that. Whoever's in charge of older her is actually going to kill us."

Plo, for whatever reason, just seemed to look amused at that. "Oh, no, it'll be perfectly fine. That won't be a problem."

Anakin still seemed doubtful, but ran with it. "If you say so. Is she really that small, or is it the fact that she's completely wrapped up in your cloak?"

The Jedi master shrugged. "Honestly? Probably both. She's pretty young."

"How young?"

"Oh, probably about five years old."

Anakin nodded, then patted the other man's shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. You know, despite the fact that no comforting was needed.

"Good luck. Five year olds are tricky."

The amused tone of voice was back. "Oh, I know, and so will you."

"Come again?" Rex asked for him.

"Plo, no matter what you do, don't tell me that you're about to make Rex and I watch this kid all on our own."

"No, of course not. Are you still concerned over her teacher being mad?"

"Well yeah. At this age, the kid is probably still in regular classes. Probably still has a training saver. And there's at least ten real lightsabers in this room. And I'm totally not qualified to watch a child! Her teachers are totally gonna kill-"

Plo interrupted him by simply yanking off the child's cloak and handing her over. A pair of bright blue, curious eyes stared back at him. She kicked her legs and stretched out the best she could, despite the fact that she was being held by a stranger.

The little girl didn't look very concerned about it, though. She just smiled up at Anakin, not noticing the look of absolute shock on his face.

He looked over at Rex, who had the same exact reaction. Plo still seemed all too happy with this outcome, going so far as to smile and nod at Shaak Ti.

Anakin finally managed to speak... somewhat. He passed the kid back off to Plo and stared at her some more, before pointing at her and looking around the room for help.

Spoiler alert: he did not get help.

"Is that Ahsoka?"

Rex, however, replied a bit better than Anakin did, not like that was hard. Once Plo put her down, he knelt down to her level and smiled.

"Well, hey there. Do you remember me?"

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