Past Meet Present.

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A/N: This is part 3 of Get Back Out Of Her Life. Enjoy!

There was a long, tense silence.

"I'm seeing things, I'm seeing things, tell me that I'm seeing things."

Anakin made a face, shaking his head at Ahsoka. "Nope. Wish you were. Let's go, let's just turn around and-"

Then Ezra, sweet, innocent, stupid Ezra who was determined to fix things he couldn't, walked up to Barriss.

"Hi! I'm-"

"No no no, Ezra shut up!" Ahsoka told him, cursing under her breath as she ran up to the two.

She grabbed Ezra's arm to pull him away, glaring.

"Don't be stupid," she whispered. "This woman is a known murderer. Do you really want to talk to her?"

He crossed his arms. "Doesn't that mean we shouldn't get on her bad side?"

"I'm already on it. We're getting up and leaving. You can be stupid another day."

"I'm not being stupid!"

"Yeah, you are. Now, let's go."

Ezra groaned, loudly. "But Ahsoka-"

"Shut. Up."

A voice from behind them, Barriss', interrupted them.

"What did you say?"

Ezra finally seemed to get the memo. "Um, I didn't say anything. Maybe you heard someone else?"

"It's possible," Kanan agreed, grabbing on to Ezra's arm in case they needed to get away fast.

It looked like they might need to, judging by the recognizion on Barriss' face as she looked over the group.

"...Anakin Skywalker?"

Anakin looked strangely relieved. "Hell yeah, that's me!"

Then, quietly, to Ahsoka, "Better her recognize me then you."

She nodded. "I'm in full​-"

"...Oh my gosh. Ahsoka."

Anakin winced. "Spoke too soon, now get behind me."

"Get the kids behind you."

"I'm eighteen!" Sabine protested.

Both adults glared at her. "Not the time!"

She nodded and got behind Anakin, dragging Ezra with her.

"Why are we doing this?"

"She's armed."

"So are we, Ahsoka!"

Ahsoka tried not to snap at him. "Yes, but we're also not murderers killing people just because. So yeah, there's a difference."

Ezra made a face in response before answering.

"...This isn't going to end well, is it?"

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