Maybe The Kids Should Go Home!

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A/N: This is part 4 of Get Back Out Of Her Life! Should I just stop with this? Either way, hope you all enjoy the chapter!

"Ahsoka Tano."

Ahsoka put her hands on her hips and acted way more confident than she actually was.

"Yeah, that's my name. Which you already know. We done here?"

Anakin shook his head. "Good luck on that one."

Then suddenly, Ahsoka leaned over toward Anakin. "Hey, you're armed still, right?" she asked quietly.

"Got a lightsaber and a comlink with me."

"What's a comlink gonna do right now? What are we gonna do with it right now, throw it at her? Because as satisfying as that would be, it's not gonna help anything."

He stared at her. "We're in Coruscant."

She looked around them. "No shit."

"Which means I can call Obi-Wan out of a not really that important meeting, and get him to come down here as soon as humanly possible!"

"...Oh. Right."

"Even I knew that," Kanan mumbled. Ahsoka looked ready to slap him. Ezra must have been ready to tell, because he walked over and stood in between Ahsoka and Kanan.

"No fighting."


"No. Fighting."



She rolled her eyes, but didn't actually hit anyone.

Then there was a long, awkward silence as Barriss and Ahsoka realized they had no idea what to say or do.

Well, they knew what they wanted to do. But Ezra had just said no fighting.

"Well this is awkward," Kanan mumbled, as if nobody could tell.

"I swear I'm gonna slap somebody today, I'm so annoyed, and if you don't stop talking then it's going to be you. Got it?"

"What the heck, I didn't do anything!"

"You're being annoying. Stop it."

"What- I didn't do anything!"

"I heard you the first time! Just stop talking, please! I have a bit of a bigger issue to deal with, here!"

"I'm an issue?" Barriss asked as innocently as she could.

All eyes turned to her, most glaring.

"Oh, can it with that innocent look before I make you."

"Is that a threat?"

"It's a promise. I've fought you before, remember?"

"And I won, remember?"

Ahsoka shrugged, as if that's a insignificant detail. "Maybe. Maybe not. Doesn't matter, I can beat you now. In fact, I'd like to."

"Oh? Well-"


Ezra turned to glare at Anakin, who was the one who had spoken.

"I just said no fighting!"

"You don't know how long I've been waiting to see Ahsoka kick her ass."

Ezra sighed disappointedly, yet didn't stop Anakin from chanting.

He looked insanely pleased with himself, even when several people turned to glare at him.

When they did, he only shrugged.

"Oh well. I regret nothing."

"Yeah, well, I do," said Barriss, so quietly only the two people closest to her actually heard her.

"That doesn't make anything better. That doesn't change anything."

"I know that, just hear me out!"

"I'm done with this. I'm done with you. Bye."

Ahsoka walked off then, the rest of the crew following behind her.

And Anakin just looked proud...

(Even though he still wanted to see Ahsoka crush her.)

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