Council party in the house tonight!

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"Bored, I am," Master Yoda declared one day, like it was some big announcement.

"Boredom is not between the light or the dark, therefore I do not understand your predicament." The Bendu's voice said out of nowhere.

"Master Yoda, with all due respect, we're in a war. Maybe it's good to be bored." Mace Windu sighed.

Yoda shook his head and smacked Mace with his cane. "Nonsense, that is."

"I agree with Mace. We all need to relax sometimes," Depa agreed.

"I'm not with Mace," Shaak Ti said. Then she put on a pair of sunglasses that had the word swag on them. "We should party."

"No! Shaak, if we party, then the younglings and Padawans will come. And the last thing I need is for my Padawan to become more hyper."

"I'm sure he's not that-"

"Spin the pig! Spin the pig!"

Depa gave Shaak a know it all look. "See?"

"Did he say "spin the pig?" Really?" Mace asked.

Yoda nodded, and with a head full of Yoda knowledge, said, "Spinning pigs in circles to get bacon, they are."

"How does that make sense?" Shaak Ti asked.

"Oh, make sense, it does not. Fun, it is, that way."

"I want in!" Shaak grinned. Then walked back out to where the younglings and Padawans were. "Council party!"

Stealing Shaak's swag glasses, Anakin yelled, "COUNCIL PARTY!"

Ahsoka flipped an unknown lever and balloons came from the ceiling, with the council members, other than Shaak herself, very confused.

Everybody started partying.

Yoda decided to get in on the action as he lept onto a table. "Rockin, rockin and Rollin. Down in this world I'm strollin. Then the Seps poke at my head, not fun! I said, Seps, ugh! Stop it now!"

Then he hopped off the table and danced.

AhsokaGosia2002 randomly showed up and pushed Rex over to Ahsoka. "REXSOKA." they yelled.

The others looked at them, confused, then welcomed them into the group, then everyone continued partying while many ships where happening.

Caleb was announcing to the world he wants to be called Kanan.

Somewhere in the world a teenage girl was obsessing about his future shoes (boots) and a friend she had.

Thus a ship was born.

Meanwhile, the sugar was being passed out.

The sugar.

To the younglings.

And the Anakin.

Poor Ahsoka didn't know whether to go get some or go dance with Rex. She decided to dance.

It didn't take long for Anakin to start dancing and singing alongside Yoda.

Caleb had finally stopped spinning a pig and was eating bacon, gushing about some girl he met on Ryloth to his friends, who were less than impressed.

Especially not Petro. He had laughed and scoffed. "Oh please. I totally have someone amazing with me right now."

Ganodi had been skeptical. "Oh yeah? Who?"

He wrapped an arm around Katooni, who punched him on the arm and ran off with Hondo.

lothcatwillow was making out with Mart.

Jar Jar got his kids together for a dance number while Hondo was showing people his "moves"

Barriss was trying not to get Anakined.

Then Jar Jar started rapping alongside Peppi Bow.

"Hello! Mesa Peppi Bow! You wondering how my skin so pink? I got a terrific, terrible suntan, yo! Then I went and got a hat! Jar Jar know where it's at!"

Obi-Wan was laughing his head off.

Depa watched everyone dive into a pit full of pillows and sugar. "I told them not to have a party, and this happened."

They all woke up the next morning on a sugar hive.


Fourteen or so years later...

Kanan Jarrus was trying to describe the whole thing to Ezra.

"Basically, I found a new way to make bacon, Shaak Ti was full of swag, Depa was the smart one, Yoda sang, Jar Jar got in tight jeans and rapped with Peppi Bow, there was a bunch of non-Jedi, a sugar pit, and me bragging about meeting Hera. Also, all of this is the Bendu's fault."

Ezra was speechless, with his jaw to the ground. He couldn't believe any of it.

Sabine, walking by, said, "I'm bored."

Wild eyed, Kanan grinned.

"And so it begins."

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