The Oh No Chapter.

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A/N: The first part of this is very Hera and Rex centric which I really don't do... Ever, I think. I hope I do it well. Barriss Offee is mentioned a lot in this chapter but doesn't actually appear. Ahsoka is also mentioned a bit but doesn't appear yet either.

Hope you enjoy!

"Ezra is bringing a friend over for dinner tonight. He told me that she helps him out with the Force."

"Yeah, I know. He brought her over this morning while everyone else was out doing something else. I already met her."

Rex nodded. "Okay. What did you think of her?"

Hera looked around the room, checking to make sure it was just the two of them.

"I didn't like her at all. I don't know why; she was perfectly nice and polite. Asked all the right questions. She was pretty quiet other than that, but I really didn't like her. I can't put my finger on it."

"Is she a Jedi like Ezra? A Padawan?"

"I don't think so. I asked her about that because I was curious, but she simply told me that there were no Jedi anymore."

"She avoided the question?" Rex asked suspiciously. "That doesn't sound too good to me."

Hera shook her head. "It doesn't sound good to me, either. She looked and sounded familiar, too. She's a Mirialan. Maybe you've heard of her?"

A perfectly nice and polite Mirialan that Hera still has a really bad feeling about? This sounds fishy to me.

Rex was already shaking his head before asking his next question. "What's her name? She said that much, right?"

"Yeah, she did. Then immediately tried reassuring me that she truly knows what she's doing when it comes to the Force and that Ezra's in safe hands. Her name is Barriss Offee."

"How is she not still in prison?" He mumbled to himself. Unfortunately, Hera heard him.

"What?! Prison? For what? What did she do?"

"She framed someone, murdered people, and bombed the Jedi temple."

"...I think I need to sit down."

Rex shook his head at her. "You're already sitting down."

"I think I need to sit down more."

"Hey, quick question. Kanan ran off to go visit Obi-Wan and Ahsoka went off on a mission, right?"

Hera nodded. "Yeah, why?"

"Are either of them going to be home tonight? Especially Ahsoka?"

"I think Kanan will be back tonight and Ahsoka will be back tomorrow. I could be wrong, though, so don't quote me on that. What does any of this have to do with Ahsoka though?"

"Ahsoka has a lot to do with Barriss Offee, trust me."

"Am I missing something?"

"Yes. Yes you are."

"Then why don't you explain it to me?"

"You might want to sit down."

"As you said, I'm already sitting down."

"Just be glad for that. Now, Barriss Offee-"

"Isn't that Ezra's friend?" Sabine asked as she walked over to the two. "Also, isn't she insane?"

Rex nodded even as Hera shook her head.

"Why are you nodding your head? We don't know enough about this girl to think she's insane."

"Why are you shaking your head? I've known her for a while and I've been around for most of that. The girl is crazy."

Sabine shrugged, then paused. "Wait. She's that Barriss Offee, isn't she?"

"That depends. What do you think you know?"

"Isn't she the one that framed Ahsoka for murder, bombed the Jedi temple, and killed people?"

He nodded. "That's the one."

When Sabine paused again and looked like she was thinking hard, Rex was expecting several different outcomes.

He was not expecting her to start laughing.

"This is gonna be a disaster."

"No," he replied, but couldn't keep the worried tone out of his voice. "No it's not. Why would it be? I don't like the girl, not at all, but I'm not gonna punch her or anything. Kanan would definitely be hostile to her but he'll be calm too. Ahsoka won't even be here tonight."

Sabine laughed harder. Zeb looked at for a second, confused, then caught on and joined in, laughing just as hard as her.

"What?" Rex asked. "What? Why are you laughing at me? What did I say?"

"I think- I think you mixed up their schedules."

His eyes went wide and he quickly shook his head. "No I didn't. Hera did!"

Hera nodded. "That's true. I'm the one who confused him."

"And I'm still confused! Why are they- stop laughing at me!"

"It's funny 'cause you're wrong!" Sabine said gleefully. "Ahsoka is coming home tonight. Kanan is coming home tomorrow."

Rex's eyes somehow got wider. "No no no! That's not good. That's not good at all! Can we cancel this? Right now?"

Sabine couldn't stop laughing long enough to reply. She apparently found this hilarious.

"The whole thing is already settled, we can't back out now. Besides, Ahsoka will be home before Barriss gets here and we'll have enough time to warn her," Zeb told him.

"And yet somehow I don't believe that. What if you're wrong?"

"I don't want to be on this ship with those two if I'm wrong. But seriously, what are you afraid of? Do you think they'll get into a fight?"

"That. And these two can fight."

"Well, no blood on the carpet," Hera said as if this was a casual thing, not like two people who hate each other will be forced to be in the same room as each other for hours, while trying not to tackle each other to the ground every two seconds.

Rex sighed heavily, pulling out his comlink. "I'm warning Ahsoka."

"This is going to be fun," Sabine said happily.

"I just want to go to bed."

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