Boba's idea.

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"This is a horrible idea! What made you think that this was a good idea?" Bina hissed at her brother Boba, trying to remain hidden.

"Because! What better to do?" Boba asked.

"That is like, the worst answer of all time." Bina groaned.

"Relax, sis! They won't even know we're here."

"They will when their ship is gone!"

Boba rolled his eyes, even though it was true.

"Oh, relax!" he tried to convince her.

"I will not!" she hissed.

"You know what, I just saw a Lasat go by here! Actually, maybe we can get him..." she added.

Boba grinned."There you go, girl!"

"Ooh, I like that Mando's armor..."

"Eh. Mines better."

A few minutes later, Bina's eyes went wide when she saw the two Jedi, Kanan and Ezra.

"This place is bounty gold!"

"It would be a bit difficult to get the Lasat, but we aren't experts for nothing. The Jedi will also be hard to catch, but worth it. Especially if we can sell the lightsabers." Boba agreed.

"Yeah, but the most important part would be to take out the captain. We can't get the ship if we can't stop the captain herself or himself." Bina commented.

Then a twi'lek came out of the ship.

"Ooh, frisk!" Bina grinned, smacking Boba's arm.

"Ooh, what?" he asked.

"The twi'lek. The captain is a flipping twi'lek."

"Ooh!" Boba agreed.

"Alright, we strike her in three, two-"

"Hey! Who are you people?"

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