Current WIPS

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A/N: Hello and welcome (not) back to your regularly scheduled updates! Truthfully, I've got nothing. No inspiration, no motivation, no ideas, nothing. If anyone could slide some of that my way, or any prompts/suggestions, it would be very appreciated. Anyway, I generally have some trouble remembering how many fics I'm writing and when the last time I updated them was, so I'm going to go ahead and do that today, both for my benefit and yours.

Don't Leave- This is a She-Ra and the Princesses of Power fanfiction, posted only on Archive of Our Own at this point, but if anyone wants to read it, I'd post it over there. In the plot, which does very well at actually ignoring the show itself's plot, Catra is attacked from the Horde, (while she is still with the Horde, for that matter,) and is instantly presumed dead.

Not Better Off Alone- A Star Wars AU, centering around a main cast of characters such as Kanan, Ahsoka, Anakin, Barriss, and Lux in a modern world universe. The story follows them and more as they attempt to tackle friendships, mysterious crime, and family issues. This is posted both here on Wattpad and Archive of our own. It is about to reach its climax.

Not Better Off Alone 2- Surprise! It's a sequel... it's a sequel that isn't entirely planned out at all, and it doesn't even have a real title. Even so, I've already written over twenty chapters of the idiotic thing. I kind of want to scrap it altogether, but I've already done so much work on it that that's kind of pointless. I'm planning on posting it both here and on Archive of our own.

My Star Wars Oneshots- Obviously. This one is posted here and on Archive of our own, but it has very little success there. I'm very thankful to all the readers that I have here.

Boy Meets World: Opinions, Emotions, and Fangirling- Honestly, it's just exactly what it sounds like. It's only been posted on Archive of our own, and I'd like to say that it has decent success, especially for my first ever review book. Haven't updated it in about a month though- I should probably do that.

Ding Dong Ditch, The Witch Is Dead- This is a She-Ra two-chapter fic, I believe- it's very short. I pretty much gave up on it and forgot about it entirely, honestly. I'm not even sure if it's finished or not, so just in case it's not, I put it in here. It's on Archive of our own.

And now we enter the very, very short oneshot only section of this chapter:

An unnamed Harry Potter fanfiction- In which Harry, Hermione, Ron, Fred, George, Molly, (I don't even know why I inserted her and I should probably edit her out but okay,) Ginny, Neville, Luna, Remus, and Sirius, after a tiring fight at the Ministry of Magic headquarters, decide to take a risk and go out for some fun; the kids discover a badly hidden secret while out. It's currently not posted yet, since it isn't actually finished, but when I do complete it, it'll probably go on Archive of our own. It's an AU set after Order of the Phoenix. It completely erases, well... you know the part toward the end, with Bellatrix.... I'm sure I don't have to elaborate much more for any Harry Potter fans reading this. (And to any not Harry Potter fans reading this, I'm still not going to explicitly state the part I'm talking about because I GOT SPOILED OVER IT AND YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE TO.)

ANYWAY. That's all. Please leave me any thoughts or suggestions for what I can write a oneshot about! Because I've got nothing, thanks!

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