Voltron/SWR crossover.

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A teenager with short, light brown hair looked around the room she was in. "Where are we?"

Another teenager walked over with his finger in the air. "The question is where are we?"

"Hunk, I just said that."

He was silent. Then chuckled. "Oh."

They could both hear some arguing behind them as their friends came into view.

"This is your fault!"

"Your just jealous because I'm handsomer than you."

"Hey!" yelled the first teen. "Enough! Keith, how is this his fault? And Lance! You aren't handsome, get over it."

"But I am!" Lance frowned. "Shiro! Pidge is making fun of me!"

Shiro smiled and patted her head. "Good job, young one."

"Hey! Say that's wrong!"

Keith turned and smiled at Pidge. "I think you're right."

"Am I the only one who realizes we're on some weird spaceship and we don't know where we are or what's going on?" Hunk worried.

Pidge scoffed. "Please, that kinda thing happened before."  

They suddenly heard growling, coming from somewhere in the ship. They all looked around to see a big hairy thing.

The big hairy thing seemed to see them. "Hey! Who are all of you?!"

He threw a punch and they were all out like a light.


Pidge woke up to the big hairy thing laughing at something Lance had said.

"So I'm going to guess that you're gonna stop punching us?"

He stopped laughing and looked over. "Yeah.... Sorry about that."

"Hitting a girl, Zeb?" a girl in rainbow armor asked. "Shameful."

And there went a teenage blueberry's mouth. "Wait, he's a she?"

Pidge smirked. "All I ever did was cut my hair, idiot's."

Shiro smirked back at her. "Oh, I'm sure, Kat."

She frowned and smacked him.

"Alien!" Lance randomly yelled as two people entered the room, one human and one not. "Alien!"

"Lance, just because the lady isn't human and isn't Altean doesn't mean-" Hunk began.

"Can you tell me what she is, then?"

He shut up.

"She's not an alien," the man with a ponytail sighed. "And Zeb told me your story."

"Which one?" Shiro and Pidge asked as one.

Keith coughed. "Shidge." Then coughed again.

The ponytailed guy glanced at Shiro and Pidge. "That you don't know why you're here. I could tell that you're telling the truth. So, welcome aboard until we figure out how to get you home, I guess. Names?"

Keith stepped forward. "Keith. Red Paladin. Nice to meet you."

Lance came forward proudly. "Lance, Blue Paladin, ladies man." He then winked at the girl in rainbow​ armor named Sabine.

"I'm Shiro, the Black Paladin and leader."

"Actually," Pidge interjected. "That's part of his last name, but that's what we all call him."

"And she's Ka-"

"Don't, Takashi!"

The other Paladins looked at each other.

"Uh, Pidge, I wouldn't do that..." Hunk said.

Shiro turned to the people and said, "She's Katie-"

Before he could finish, she ran out of the room.

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