*fist bump in the air* REVOLUTION.

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A/N: in which, as the title heavily implies, there is a revolution. Just by seeing the description of the most recent Clone Wars episode, I can already tell (without spoilers, because I haven't even seen it yet and I am trying my best to avoid them) that Order 66 is now upon us. In this, that doesn't happen! Also, the whole Barriss thing in season 5 ends at least a little bit differently. (Which, lets be real, we all need.) Hope you enjoy!

"He did what?"

"Um," stutters out Rex, unused to hearing the honest shock that's currently coating General Kenobi's voice. Exasperation, sternness. fondness, sadness, amusement, the occasional bout of anger- all of that, to him at least, is normal. See, when one works with General Skywalker as much as Rex does, then one learns to get used to the fact that if one of the two Jedi are on a mission, there is an extremely high possibility that the other one is not very far behind. Typically, there are explosions.

So, throughout all this time, he's gotten the chance to truly begin to know both men.

But he, for the life of him, cannot possibly remember seeing- or hearing- General Kenobi so startled. There's a chance that he's just confused, unsure if he's heard Rex correctly, but that just doesn't seem quite right with all the context that both men have just very recently been given.

"I'm sorry," says General Kenobi, blinking slowly as he looks down at the tablet he's got an iron grip on. "I can't believe this. There's no way Anakin would just- I know that he's fond of breaking the rules, but this? He can't just lead a revolution right now!"

Rex pauses before proceeding, unsure just how much the older of the two actually knows about the situation at hand. "Um-" It's of no use anyway. He's almost immediately cut off.

"He has work! He has duties! He's only been off of our last mission for all of two days, both of which he hasn't even been back at the temple, which just baffles me. He's not usually this careless!"

Careless and leading a revolution are not exactly mutually agreeing words, but neither of them point that out.

Ahsoka, however-

"For one, you just contradicted yourself," is the first thing she says as she invites herself into the bedroom. "For two- what's this about a revolution? What, did Anakin decide to enlist a band of younglings to go help him charm some of the older Padawans out of their not-so-secret ice cream stash?" She blinks before saying pointedly, "Again. I was just lucky that I wasn't around for the first time he pulled that prank."

"You're not an older Padawan," Rex finally manages to get more than a one worded, mumbled syllable spoken. With Ahsoka, it's not as hard to find the right words to say. That, and the fact that she's reacting as if Anakin running off and doing something erratic is an everyday occurrence.

He breaks himself out of that train of thought almost instantly, especially since he realizes that actually, that's exactly what happens.

"Not yet," she agrees. "But since when have technicalities ever mattered to Anakin, unless they could be used to do what he wants?"

"Good point, but-"

This time, it was both Ahsoka and Rex that are cut off.

"Can we please get back on topic?" asks Obi-Wan, with a heavy air of impatience. The others snap back to attention, leaving their previous conversation due for now.

"What kind of... revolution are we even dealing with, exactly?" questions Ahsoka, who's still very new to the situation, seeing as she's only been back on Coruscant for a few hours. (Unlike her Master, she had not run off on a mission- for once, she was being just a normal teenager, spending time with her friends. Nobody wanted to interrupt her, and was glad that this whole revolution business did not occur until she was no longer busy.)

"Well," replies Rex, almost hesitantly.

"Anakin," begins Obi-Wan slowly, "Decided that it would be a smart idea to go ahead and lead a clone revolt, essentially separating them from the rest of the Republic. Hopefully he has the tact enough to not fully commence with his plots until the war is over. He's even enlisted Senator Amidala into his plans, for crying out loud."

"He has plans? It seemed like he was just flying by the seat of his pants."

"Oh, you mean like he always does? But, no. He has plans. Somewhat controversial plans, but. I don't exactly... disagree with them."

"Wait a minute. You've been ranting about how stupid you think Anakin is being, and now you're saying that you agree with him?" Ahsoka demands to know, effectively ruining her very short silent streak.

"I don't agree with how he's going about this, especially not with the war being almost over. We're all so swamped as it is, the last thing that we can afford to do is lose more and more of our warriors... if he would actually stop and think about his methods once and a while, I would be backing him one hundred percent."

"What plan does he have?" Rex wonders out loud, accidentally interrupting the Jedi in his confusion. "With all due respect, sir, you're being exhaustingly vague. All any of us know is that Anakin is doing something you both agree with and disagree with, that somehow, he managed to get a senator involved, and you believe that whatever is going on will result in lower soldiers for the war. That's not very much to go off on."

Obi-Wan, at that, finally seems to take a breather. "I didn't realize you would have no idea about what I'm talking about," he mumbles out. "Well... Anakin has decided to take a group of clones away from the-"

"Cut to the chase!" snaps out Ahsoka. "We can figure out the logistics and stuff, but we want to know which part, specifically, you keep acting like you agree with."

"Very well," he agrees. "Anakin is enlisting Padmé into helping him with creating a national law regarding clone rights."

A/N: hey! Let me know if there should be a part 2!

So. The last EVER Clone Wars episode is out now. I haven't seen it yet, but I HAVE seen Shattered, and if this one is as heavy as Shattered... I'm in for quite a ride.

May the Fourth be with you.

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