Marvel/ SWR crossover.

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AhsokaGosia2002 I know this took me forever to do but here it is now? (Set after Thor Ragnarok but not Infinity War compliant, set during season 4 of Star Wars Rebels)

"Where on Earth are we?"

"Uh, who are you?" A girl with bright hair and clothes asked.

"Who are YOU?"

"Sabine." She put her hands on her hips and glared at him. "I don't think you're here on purpose, so sit tight. What are all of your names?"

"I'm Peter," he said. "Nice to meet you?"

"And the rest of you?"

"Sam Wilson."

"Bucky Barnes."

"Steve Rogers."

"Tony Stark."

"Natasha Romanov."

"Wanda Maximoff."

"Bruce Banner."

"Clint Barton."

"Thor Odinson."

"Stephen Strange."

"Okay," Sabine said. "I'm going to go get someone, sit tight."

The second she left, everyone started talking.

"Why am I even HERE?" Clint asked. "I was just home with my kids, and now we're... Somewhere."

"Good question," Tony said, sighing. "Where on Earth are we?"

"Not on Earth," said a voice from behind him. A teenage boy stood there, looking at them skeptically.

"Oh please not again," Bruce groaned, Thor patting his shoulder as if that helped anything.

"I have... So many questions," the teenager said. "Why does he have a metal arm? Why is he in some weird suit? Why is he the only kid in the group? Why are her hands glowing?"

"Wanda, stop it," Steve scolded. "These people haven't done anything wrong to us."

"No we haven't, and I'm Ezra. Nice to meet you all and how are you here?"

"Probably him," Bucky said, pointing at Stephen. "Or her," he pointed at Wanda.

"Is that what happens when her hands glow?"

"Do we want to know?" Sabine asked.

Several people yelled out, "No!" Throughout the room.

"What's going on here?" a new voice asked. Considering by the way Sabine and Ezra tensed up, there was going to be trouble.

A/N: Please request things!

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