Welcome to the Wheel, rebels. (And njnjas?)

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A/N: oh my goodness I'm going to have no inspiration after this but I just have to! Everyone, I am now introducing a probably crazy one-shot that has the Freemakers, Ghost crew, and a few ninjas. Yeah, this is a three way cross over.

Enjoy my crazy creation!

Hera Syndulla sighed and punched at her controls, frantically hoping she could get them to work. Their last battle had been horrible.

Hera looked out the window and sighed. She really didn't like it, but it's what she had to do.

She tapped the internal comlink and frowned.

"Everyone, make way to the Phantom."

The voices in protest came fast.



"Are we running?"

"What's happening?"

"Guys... We have to abandon ship," Hera finally sighed.

More protested, but they had no choice.

So they all got on board the Phantom and ejected.

"Where we going?" Ezra asked.

Sabine looked out the window and pointed. "We could go there."

They all looked at each other and nodded, then flew off toward it.


Meanwhile, two siblings were wandering around space, hopelessly confused.

The oldest of the two was sort of relaxed and was trying to fly the ship. He wasn't used to it, though. Neither of them have ever flown a ship before.

Truthfully, they didn't even know how they got where they did.

"K, what's going on?" his younger sister asked.

"We're in some kind of weirdo space. And I don't even know what we're flying right now," the older teen sighed.

"Same. I'm way used to Flame."

"I am too! He's my pet!"

She smirked. "Yeah, Kai, but he likes me better."

"Nya, where do you get your delusions?"

"I don't know. Wherever gave them to you."


"You passed the delusions, or so you say, on to me," Nya smirked, having confused her brother, the oh-so powerful ninja.

Two can play at that game.

"Anyway," Nya began, "What's that place over there?"

(lothcatwillow88 yes I brought them in.)


Meanwhile, the Ghost crew rebels were being greeted by an excited teenage girl.

"Hi! Welcome to Freemaker Salvage and Repair! How may we help you? Do you have any credits? I mean, uh-"

Ezra chuckled and grinned. Well, she's happy. Please don't be a Hondo.

Hera smiled at her and said, "We need our ship fixed. Can you do it?"

Kanan stared at her. Mainly out of confusion, but he would've done it anyway. "Since when was the Phantom in need of repair?"

She sighed. "Ever since you took Ezra out to fly it."

Ezra chuckled nervously and didn't say anything.

The teen looked at them and decided to get back on track. The sooner they did that, the sooner she got her much needed money.

"Oh, yeah, we can totally fix your ship. No problem. I'm Kordi, by the way. Head mechanic."

Sabine looked around. "If your the head, where are the others?"

"They should be around here somewhere. Kora! Rowan! Zander! We have customers!"

It took less than a minute for the three to zoom out of wherever they were, and into the room with wrenches in their hands.

"Hello! Can you tell me what's wrong with your ship?" the girl in the middle asked.

"Hi! We can help! Let's get cracking on it!" the shortest one exclaimed, bouncing on his heels. He was obviously ready to work.

The last one, the oldest, didn't say anything, but simply stared at the Ghost.

Hera cleared her throat and finally spoke, "Well, I think there's something wrong with the hyperdrive."

The tallest of the little group snapped out of it and grinned. "Wow! You got a mighty fine ship there! What's it called?"

"The Phantom."

"I don't get it."

The girl, not yet introduced, took the chance to talk. "He never does. Anyway, I'm Koraline Freemaker."

Then she glanced at Ezra and her eyes widened. "And I'm very single."

He looked back at her and blinked. She took that as a good sign and smiled.

"I'm Rowan," the short one introduced.

"And I'm Zander, daredevil ship flying guy."

His siblings stared at him.


"Anyway," Kordi smiled. "We'll get started."


Outside, Kai landed the ship and they both hopped out.

"Where are we?" Nya asked as they walked inside.

"Beats me."

"What's that?"

She pointed, just to see a lightsaber. It was red, and the lady holding it had tattoos on her face. She was talking into a comlink.

"Don't worry, master. I will have the Kyber Saber pieces soon. Very soon. And Rowan will fall."

Nya and Kai glanced at each other. They knew that this lady was bad.

But what could they possibly do?

A/N: by the way, requests are still open. Request things!

My Star Wars Oneshots.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora