Cham knows about Kanera.

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Inspired by both a picture on Tumblr and a conversation with a friend here on Wattpad...


Cham had just introduced his friends to the rebels, and Kanan was introducing himself.

Unsuccessfully, of course.

"I'm Caleb Jarrus, it's good to meet you, sir."

Kanan Jarrus and his friends were meeting Cham Syndulla. The others acted like this was a normal day.

Kanan, on the other hand...

He was a stuttering mess.

"I mean, I'm Kanan Jarrus. This is Zeb," he points at Sabine, "Zeb," points at Ezra, "And Sabine." he concluded, pointing at Zeb.

The looks on the crew's faces was comical, and Cham could guess that Kanan got the names wrong.

He was surprised that Kanan was getting all worked up while the others were dead calm, like this was a normal Tuesday.

...Yeah, not a normal Tuesday.


"Traitors!" Sabine was yelling.

"Ha!" Numa scoffed. "I don't remember saying we were on your side in the first place."

Cham had the others stunned, so he thought.

He walked over to Hera, but before he could lay a hand on her...

"Don't you even think about it!"

...Kanan was done being friendly, and decided to attack Cham so he couldn't do anything to Hera.

Kanan loved Hera, and if someone would so much as say the wrong thing to her, Kanan would be so mad it was a wonder that he didn't attack.

Yeah, he loved her that much.

But unfortunately, Kanan couldn't win against Cham. Mostly because Kanan was nice enough not to pull a lightsaber on the guy.


Cham, instead of blowing up the Star Destroyer, which was his mission, finally decided to help take the thing to Phoenix Squadron, which was the original plan.

The Ghost crew, Cham, Numa, and Gobi, were sitting around, having a good time, and just telling stories.

Kanan loved Cham's stories, but his attention was on something, or rather, someone else.

Hera and Kanan kept glancing at each other, which everyone failed to notice.

Well, save one.

Kanan and Hera had never really mentioned much of their pasts to each other, and decided that right then would be a good time to do so.

So they disappeared to Kanan's room to talk on their own.

Cham, upon noticing his daughter and Kanan missing, got up and left the story telling to Numa and Gobi for a while.

With the permission of Ezra, he wandered the hallways looking for the missing rebels.

Eventually, he heard voices.

"Yeah! It was game-changing." Kanan was saying.

Cham assumed that they were talking about the Empire.

"Yeah, it was hilarious at times too." Hera agreed.

Hilarious. That means they weren't talking about the Empire.

Trying to find his way back to the common room, but failing, he went into Kanan's room.

Cham saw something he didn't think he would see.

Kanan and Hera were kissing.

Cham just stood there, not knowing what to say or do at the moment. His daughter had a boyfriend! That's not what Cham expected.

Though it would explain a lot...

Kanan mumbled something to Hera, who turned bright red and hit him.

"We won't. We would never."

"Yes, we would. And you would be a great one." Kanan disagreed.

Cham smiled, then once again tried to leave.

Next morning...

The Ghost crew, plus Cham, Numa, and Gobi, were gathered around the table. They were eating, glancing at the empty seats, which belonged to Hera and Kanan.

Cham had his own ideas about where they were.

So, now knowing where Kanan's room was, he walked over and knocked on the closed door.

"Daughter, Kanan, everyone is wondering where you are. Your being called."

Kanan and Hera gave shouts of surprise and worry upon hearing that, and scrambled around.

Even as Cham mentioned that, Commander Sato was calling them, along with Ahsoka Tano.

Three minutes later...

Kanan and Hera rushed out of the bedroom, both talking into their comlinks as they walked into the kitchen to join the others.

"Uh... Why do you look like that?" Commander Sato rudely asked, and Hera quickly hung up on him.

"So..." Ahsoka was asking Kanan. "Why, exactly, are you wearing no shoes? And where did your lightsaber go? And your hair is a mess."

"What?!" Kanan yelled. Sure enough, the crew was staring at him like he grew two heads.

"What did you do last night?" Ezra asked.

"Nothing." they chorused.

"Then why is Kanan wearing no shoes?" Sabine asked.

"And why is Hera's googles twisted?" Zeb chimed in.

Numa and Gobi shared the same confused look the rest of the Ghost crew had.

Cham, however, was grinning.

"Can I talk to you two?" he asked.

They nodded, and went somewhere where Ezra and Sabine wouldn't hear them.

"Now, what is the real reason you two came out here with your clothes a mess?"

"Uh..." they stuttered.

Cham's smile grew larger. "It's what I thought, then."

"What?" they asked.

"Try and make it a girl."

9 months later...


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