When You Can't Condone Them, Ditch Them.

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A/N: This particular oneshot is set in an AU in which Anakin does not go to the Dark Side, Padme does not die, but Palpatine still dies anyway. Anyway, this is pure fluff, but I had to get something out, so... I hope you enjoy! Make sure to check out the other author's note at the end of the chapter.

"Hello, my darling wife!" Anakin Skywalker can't help but grin as Padme Amidala, his beautiful, terrific, talented wife, walks through the front door of their mountain home. (They did not live inside of a mountain, of course, the house was just surrounded by them.)

"Hello, my darling husband," Padme returns, smiling widely back at him. Effortlessly, Anakin wraps her in a hug with one arm around her waist, and the other one is pulled across her shoulders. They hadn't been together for an entire day! Sure, maybe that wasn't such a big deal to most couples, but they weren't most couples. They, from the moment they met, were destined to be extraordinary.

"How are you doing, the love of my whole entire life?"

"Delightful, my sun, moon, and stars. You're awfully sunny this morning." She pulls back just enough to where her hands aren't curled around his face, but she's still leaning in quite closely. "Actually, come to think of it, it's quite an achievement for you that you're even awake this early in the first place. Is something going on? Any hair raising stunts? Any death defying leaps or lightsaber moves? Any more plots where someone pretends to be dead when they're really not? Any more tricking your poor, poor Captain into allowing himself to be flung off of a cliff or seven?"

"Of course not!"

She squints harder. For once, Anakin doesn't budge.

"No, really, I'm not up to any of that. I swear. I just woke up in a good mood."

She probably would have left it at that, had she not heard Ahsoka banging on the back door just then. She probably would have brushed even that off, too, because those two are essentially siblings and that's generally how they greet each other nowadays anyway, but then the teenager caught Padme's eye and very deliberately signs something:

Quit. He quit.

And that caught her attention like almost nothing else can. Quit. Anakin has done many things in his life, and quitting much of anything at all is certainly not normal for him to do. Granted, most of the things he ever does could be considered odd to normal people, but anyone who has ever met Anakin Skywalker knows that he does not quit anything unless he has absolutely no other choice.

The Seperatists are in shambles. Their rulers are all dead and gone.

What is there to fight anymore, unless that's something that he's quitting?

"WILL YOU LET ME INSIDE?" Ahsoka, as if she was stranded at sea, waves her hands up in the air so floppily she almost falls over. A real mature and responsible ex Jedi, isn't she? "I COME BEARING GIFTS!"

That does it. Anakin releases the child lock on the no longer locked sliding doors. He steps forward as his sister flies forward, past Anakin, and into the nursery. "HAVE YOU- oh, hello babies!" When the other two follow behind her, she has taken to cooing at Luke and Leia. The hardened teenage ex Jedi is... essentially a giant lump of goo. She's mush. All of her needs and responsibilities suddenly no longer exist when she looks at the baby Skywalker twins. They're just so cute. She can't handle it, really. She's bad at handling cute things. (Her girlfriend can attest to this, and probably would, if someone asked her.)

"Are you done screaming at my children yet?" Anakin asks, amused. He leans down to take a babbling Luke out of her arms, and isn't surprised to see her pout at him. "Besides tormenting innocent babies, do you have a reason for terrifying my neighbors by yelling on my lawn like a crazy person?"

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