2 Times Personal and Business Lives Don't Mix: Padme and Anakin.

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"What are you doing?"

"Don't worry about it! I'm right behind you."

"Yeah, clearly, I can hear you, Anakin!"

"Padme, baby," Anakin starts saying, walking around his wife as he heads off to sit on her work desk, "You don't need to worry. We've got this handled."

"Got what handled, exactly? The paperwork I have to deal with before we can head home today?"

He nods, the clueless idiot. "Yeah, exactly!"

Padme steps closer, with her hands on her hips. "Yeah, and you think that you can handle my work?"

"Sure, if I have to, if it'll get us home any faster. Does this mean I have to talk to politicians?"

Padme shakes her head, but her smile is fond. "My poor, innocent idiot of a husband. You would be a politician, so, obviously!"

Unsurprisingly, Anakin's nose scrunches up in disgust. He has never been quiet about his feelings on that topic. "No thanks. I thought you just have some quick paperwork to get done today, though? Isn't that all?"

She doesn't really want to burst his bubble, but she has to, so she gestures to a large, looming pile of papers that are concerningly close to the edge of the table.

Anakin blinks at it in silence for a few seconds before letting out a slow sounding:


(The married couple get so caught up in one another that it takes them twice as long to get anything done.)


"I have so many regrets in my life."

Padme does not look up from the filing she's doing. She doesn't seem to be the slightest bit startled by Anakin's random entrance, even though she can hear her door creaking softly. It's probably rocking on its hinges by now. Damn that stupid Jedi Force strength. "I know you do, honey. What is it now?"

"Teenagers are the stupidest people to walk the planet."

"I know. I knew you when you were one, remember?"

He scoffs. "That is so not the point, Padme."

She just keeps on typing, not concerned. "So, what is the point, then? I'm kind of in the middle of something at the moment."

"It can wait, can't it?"

"Not really. This is kind of a really important treaty that'll keep people like you out of getting into more trouble than they're already in."

"Right, but if you're writing something that may involve me, and I'm sitting right in front of you, just think of which one of those is really a more immediate problem."

"Oh, you're a problem alright," Padmé mumbled, but she turned around anyway. "Anakin, what is it?"

Rose petals are on the floor.

Rose petals are on the floor??

"I think now is a good time to point out that this conversation somehow started with you complaining about your Padawan."

"My Padawan is a mischievous little child, but all my complaining about her today is fake. She helped me set this up, actually."

"Set this... the flower petals, you mean? That you somehow managed to get there in the five seconds I had my back turned?"

"Precisely the same ones!"

"How– never mind. I probably don't want to know."

Anakin grins rather cheekily. "Nope, you don't!"

"So, what's the special occasion?"

"You are, babe!"

Padmé tries to frown at him, but it's rather hard to accomplish when her husband is on his knees, grinning at her with a smile that's so light it can rival the sun, while there are flower petals covering her office floor. That her husband is kneeling in.

Yeah, frowning is not on the agenda today.

"Ani, I-"

"No talking. Just kiss me?"

Padmé practically throws herself to the floor in an attempt to do just that. After an entire minute, they have to come up for air.

"Seriously though, what's the point in all of this? Assuming there is one and you and Ahsoka didn't go through all this trouble just because you know I'd enjoy it?"

"Well, that too! Though there actually is a reason I'm here without warning."

"Oh, there actually is one then? What's the reason?

"Padmé," Anakin stares her right in the eye and says the thing she's least expecting. "Today is our anniversary."

A/N: yeah... this is short sorry. I've had a LOT going on lately, it's a miracle I haven't put this on hiatus yet.

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