Blueberry and Bean/End of Anakin.

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"I'm serious!"

"You aren't!" Sabine laughed, shaking her head at Ahsoka. "You really said that to another Jedi?"

"My Jedi Master, no less."

That just sent Sabine laughing harder.

"You were so sassy!"

"Well, it's not like I've never heard that before."

"Y'know, you're pretty fun to fly with. Even when we're on a mission to find Ezra."

Ahsoka gave a small smile, which widened as Sabine gave her own story about how she pranked someone back in the Imperial Academy years ago.

But the smile quickly faded as she suddenly felt a Force signature fade, along with a Force bond.

"Kriffing Force..."

She put a hand over her face and wiped away a few tears that threatened to come.

"No," she whispered. "No."

Taking a deep breath and remembering that she was flying and that she might be wrong, she focused on what she was doing.

Which would have worked if Ahsoka's bond with Anakin didn't suddenly seem connected again, for all of four seconds. Because after that, it snapped and broke for good.

He was gone.

"Sabine, you need to pilot."

"Sure, why?"

"Just... Please. Please do it."


They switched places and Sabine quickly became concerned when Ahsoka slumped into her seat and brought her knees up to her stomach, tears starting to fall.

She looked down at a monitor that had been beeping after it was discovered that they had a new lead on where Ezra was at.

"We're here."

She then landed the ship and left the cockpit for a second to go get her helmet, having a good feeling about the search this time.

The good feeling went away when she came back to see looking more upset then she's ever seen her.

She had to do something.

"Are you okay?"

Ahsoka looked over at her, then quickly tried to get out of her chair and grab her cloak.

"Yes. Sorry, let's go."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Ezra's down there. I can sense him."

"That's not why you were crying."

She simply put her cloak on and ignored Sabine, lowering the ramp and walking down it.

"What on- No! Don't ignore me!"

Sabine walked down the ramp, too. It didn't take long before she, quite literally, ran into Ezra.

The two fell down but got up again and didn't do anything​ for a while, just stared at each other.

"Your hair is purple. And super short," he pointed out.

"Would you believe me if I told you I got a big piece of gun in my hair and had to cut it?"


"Would you believe me if I told you it was because I wanted to find you but had no leads on how to do it, so cut it like this so I would stay determined to find you."


With that, the two figured out what to do, and gave each other a big hug.

"Told you he was here," Ahsoka said, walking over to the two once they separated.

"Ahsoka!" Ezra yelled, giving her a hug, too. "You're here!"

"You told me to find you, and I promised. And I kept it."

"Yes, you did!"

"How about we go home?" Sabine asked. "You missed quite a bit."

"Like what?"

"You'll see."

She then clasped her hand with Ezra's and headed back up the ramp, with Ahsoka following close behind.

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