"What does it say?"

"'Esse quam videri.' It's Latin. It means to be, rather than to seem."

I nodded her on, my eyes still locked on the tattoo.

"I got it a few months ago. Only Mary, Lydia and Luke know about it. And well, now you know too."

"It's amazing."

"Yeah, I love it. I remember I was so excited to get it that Mary actually had to calm me down. I've wanted it for so long." She peeked over at me, a fond look in her eyes. "Do you like it?"

"I love it."

She grinned, leaning down to kiss my cheek before laying back down on my chest. "Do you want to tell me your secret?"


"You don't have to. It's ok."

"I want to though."

"Then do it. Don't overthink it."

"I'm a-" I cut off when I heard the sound of the front door open and close, followed by the sound of Mary's voice calling us down.

"Coming!" Laila turned back to me, quickly pecking my lips. "You can tell me later. Now come on, we have to go make dinner."

Erica's POV

"We should do something exciting." Stiles grumbled, although he made no movement to get up. We were once again sprawled across his bed, his laptop playing an episode of some show he'd put on.

"That would take both movement and effort, two things I'm not up for right now."

"True." He yawned, rolling over to rest his head on my shoulder.

He grabbed my hand, placing it on top of his head, urging me to stroke his hair. I rolled my eyes before running my fingers through the familiar brown strands.

"I love this. I love spending time with you and not having to do anything." he nearly cooed, loosely wrapping one arm around my waist.

"Don't you dare get mushy."

"Let me have my moment. I'm trying to be romantic."

"Oh, now you decide to be romantic."

"We're not arguing right now."

"Who said we were arguing?"

"Erica." he warned, poking my side.

I poked his arm, making him let out a whine and jab my side again. This pattern continued for a few seconds before he grabbed my hand, instead interlocking his fingers with mine.

"Just let me be romantic for ten seconds." he demanded, tilting his head up to glare at me.

"Ten, nine, eight."

"We both know I didn't mean that literally."


"That's not fair!"

"Six. Fi-" He cut me off by pressing his lips to mine, his hand tightening on mine.

He pulled back slightly, his eyes meeting mine.

"Time's up." I announced, returning my attention back to the laptop screen.

"Oh my God."

Sophie's POV

"Soph, it's getting kind of late, maybe we should start heading back." Scott called, tiredly jogging behind me.

We'd gone out for a run, although Scott was eager to get back inside.

"Just a little longer."

"You said that an hour ago."

"You can go home if you want. I'm not tired yet."

"I'm not leaving you out here alone."

"Good choice." another voice added.

Before I could even blink, someone grabbed my waist, pinning my arms to my sides.

I struggled against their grip, looking over to see Scott on the ground with the twins standing on either side of him. I looked over my shoulder to see the male Alpha, his eyes a bright red.

"What are you doing?" Scott groaned, looking up as Kali stepped forward, blood trailing out of his nose.

"We're going to show Derek just how weak his pack is." she explained, glaring down at him. "Ennis, let her go."

The Alpha threw me forward, making me fall to the ground near Scott. Before we could move closer to each other, one of the twins stepped in between us.

The other twin reached down to grab Scott's arm, bending it back as a loud crack echoed through the trees.

I pushed myself onto my feet, attempting to run over to him. The twin in between us caught me, holding me back.

I continued fighting against the twin as the other broke Scott's wrist.

I elbowed his jaw, a hard enough blow that he released me. I immediately ran to Scott's side, pushing the Alpha off my boyfriend.

"Look at that, boys. Running to his side like a good little puppy." Kali snickered as I pulled my dagger out of my boots, my eyes flickering around at all of them.

Scott shakily pushed himself up, his arms trembling as I quickly dropped down to help him.

Kali smirked, walking over to kick Scott's face, her claws sinking into his cheek as her hand grabbed my throat. She forcefully pinned me to a tree, a dull pain in the back of my head as I gasped for air.

"What am I going to do with you two? I can't kill you. That's Derek's job. But I can still have a little fun."

"You're psychotic." I spit, making her lose her smile.

I lifted my hand, stabbing the dagger into her wrist.

She growled, simply tossing me back onto the ground and pulling it out. She then threw the knife at me as I ducked my head down, feeling it catch my shirt and cut my arm.

"Doesn't feel too good, does it?" she hissed, walking towards me.

She grabbed my wounded arm, her claws digging into the skin.

"Scott!" I yelled, grabbing the dagger from behind me.

He jumped onto his feet, running over to grab Ennis's arms, holding them down long enough for me to throw the knife into his stomach.

While she was distracted, I punched Kali, her hand releasing my arm. Scott and I raced to each other's side, standing back to back as we looked around the Alpha pack that stood in a circle all around us.

I felt Scott's hand fumble around before grabbing mine, his fingers gripping onto mine tightly.

"You two just don't give up, do you?" Kali rolled her eyes, moving to grab the dagger from Ennis before digging it into Scott's stomach.

She then used the handle to hit my head, the pain coming back. I dropped onto the ground, my eyes struggling to stay open.

She smiled down at me before throwing the knife down next to me and walking away. "Tell Derek we said hello."

Author's Note:

Some Lilaac, some Sterica and the Alphas vs Scophie!

I'll see you in my next chapter. BYEEEEEEE!!!!

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