Wedding: The End

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Beam P.O.V

We all back home and had our meal prepared by my mother. It tastes good and I'm happy I could finally be with Forth. P'Simon and Jason come home and P'Simon ask sorry to me and Forth for what he had done but it is not his mistake as well. He just lost his loved ones and doesn't want me to be part of that family. Anyone can react like that. We just ask him to forget everything and everyone thank Jason for his effort. Simon just hugged Jason and Jason are blushing. This the first time I see such lovely act from P'Simon. If Jason didn't find out the truth the real culprit will be happy outside. Now everything comes to a smooth ending. Simon tells us that everyone including Jason and my mother going back to Thailand and will talk about our marriage.

All six of us planned to get our marriages took place in the same place at same time. All our families meet and talk regarding it. We all are extremely happy with these events. Me, Kit and Pha got the warning letter from the hospital for taking to many holidays without informing. We know what we did is wrong but the hospital management makes few extra rules and regulation specifically for us. This is done on the influence of Pring. When we talk to the management they ask us to obey the rules or resign from the hospital. It's not the only hospital in town but we don't want to leave the hospital with a bad name. We are quite upset with the management since we work so hard for the hospital but Yo and Forth's father came to know about this issue and bought the hospital's major stock and Forth and Yo become the new CEO of the hospital. Pring is shocked to learn about this. She can't plot anything against us since the hospital belongs to us now. The management people who support Pring and work against us can't even look at us. Pring resigns and left the hospital.

We hired the best wedding planner in the town to make arrangement for the wedding since 3 weddings will take place. Life becomes much more dreamy and fantasy. All our dreams are happening in front of our eyes. What can be better than this? We did our shopping, buying clothes and more things. We only invited the important people, family members and close friends for our wedding. P'David, Kit's brother not happy with the wedding but both his parents warn David not do anything that would bring the problem.

We had few plans for the wedding but end up selecting beach wedding. We booked the whole beach resort for everyone to stay and enjoy our marriage. The decoration works going on fine. All the family members arrived and busy making arrangement for the wedding. Six of us book a specific chalet and stay together. The environment filled with happiness, joke and laughter. It's the night before the wedding. We had small party among family members. We had Halloween theme. Forth appear as a Vampire. He is the most handsome and sexiest vampire ever. I make up as Ghost. Yo and Kit wear bunny attire. Two of them are too cute. Pha and Ming appear as Batman and Joker. We had partied together, dancing, singing song and of course drinking. We didn't drink much because of tomorrow it a big day for us and we need to look as good as we can.

It's our big day. All six of us can't sleep since we are too excited. We wake up and had our facial treatment. We had our showers and the make up artist came. They make their best to make us look more handsome. We wear our costume and finally, we get ready. All six of us gather at the living hall. Everyone looks at their partner and hugs each other. All of us excited, happy, nervous and it just a mixture of it. The thing that makes us happier is our family with us today. They understand us and accepted us wholeheartedly. Their happiness can be seen in their face. Our family member comes to company us to the wedding hall. Everyone throw roses petals at us while we walking holding our partners hand to the wedding chamber.

Love... Why it so hard (Forth ♡ Beam)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя