New Life

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Beam P.O.V

I'm really in a confused state. I can't remember what happened but I'm advised not to recall anything. Luckily Pha and Kit with me. Somehow life must go on. I decided to continue my studies. I'm back to the dorm. Everything seems new at the same time it seems familiar. Pha and Kit help to arrange back my things, I'm happy to have such great friends in my life. Tomorrow I need to go to campus and Kit said he will bring me. I don't remember anything regarding campus life. I'm resting on the bed out of sudden, I'm having a glimpse a guy. He is hugging me and kissing me. I'm happy being with him but I can't remember his face. Ouch, my brain... It gives a sudden strike. I remember whenever I got such strikes doctor advised me to take the medicine. 

**** Morning****

I get ready and waiting for Kit and finally Kit appears with a guy. 

Kit: Beam, This is Ming. My boyfriend.

Beam: uh, Kit. Really. You are having a boyfriend.

Kit: Yes, Beam. It's a long story I will tell you some other time. 

Ming: Sawadikap P'Beam, How are you now. 

Beam: I'm good. Nice to meet you, N'Ming.  

We reached the campus. I couldn't believe Kit having boyfriend. He really acts differently with Ming. Many things happen in these 2 years. Why I have to go through such difference. In the class, everyone looks at me differently. It shows everyone knows about my condition. I need to put extra effort to get back my knowledge. Beam... someone calls my name. 

X girl: Hi, Beam. How are you?

Beam: Oh, I'm good. Can I know your name?

  X Girl: It's me, Melissa, Beam. I understand your situation. Don't worry everything will be alright. If you free tonight lets go out. 

Suddenly Pha comes there, 

Pha: Melissa, Beam is not free. We have work to do. Beam, Kit is waiting for you, I will come in a while.


I left the place looks like Pha wants to talk with Melissa. 

****After Beam Left*****

Pha: Melissa, what are you trying to do with Beam.

Melissa: Pha, its none of you business. 

Pha: Melissa, Beam in a relationship with Forth.

Melissa: That's already past. Now he forgets everything. I have all rights on him now. If Forth dare enough asked him to challenge me to win Beam back.

Pha: You won't have beam in your life, No matter how hard you try also. You are digging your own grave, Melissa. I will teach you a good lesson. 

Forth P.O.V

It's been a week I haven't seen Beam. I'm only receiving new about him. Finally, Kit texts me that beam back to campus and they are in the canteen. I wanted to meet him. So, I bring Ming together with me to the Medical faculty canteen. Finally, I saw him. My beam. I have to control myself. I shouldn't make his state worst. I walk towards him.


Beam P.O.V

I'm in canteen out of sudden, my heart beat gets to beat faster. It's quite different. I try to figure out what is happening and saw a guy walking towards me with a bright smile. I just remember of the glimpse I had last night. His physical appearance matches the image. Suddenly I felt so happy. It's so strange. 

Forth: Hi, Beam. I'm Forth. How are you?

Beam: Hi, Forth. I'm Fine. 

Forth... forth. I don't see him before. I don't know him but his name makes me feel something in me. After some time, Pha appears with Yo. I'm happy to hear about his relationship with Yo. I wanted to order food but Forth already appear with food and it's all my favourite. I just thank him but it's really awkward for me but everyone including Pha and Kit close with Forth. It means sure he will close to me also that's why he able to know my favourite food. I want to know more about him my eyes couldn't stop looking at him.

Forth P.O.V

Being with beam already makes me happy. It's hurt when you love don't recognize you but I thanked God for giving back him in good condition. No matter what happens, I will make him mine again. I know it might be difficult for me but I will try till achieving it. 


Beam P.O.V

I'm resting in my room. I received a call from Melissa. 

Beam: Yes, Melissa. Whats the matter?

Melissa: Oh, I just wanted to invite you for dinner. 

Beam: Sorry, Melissa. I already bought food. Next time. Promise. 

Before I end the conservation with her, I receive calls from Forth. I immediately end up the call with Melissa saying bye.

Beam: Hi, Forth

Forth: Hi, Beam. I'm going for dinner in a while. Wanna join me. 

Beam: What time?

Forth: By 8

Beam: Okay,

Forth: I will pick you. Wait at lobby. 

It's really and really weird. When Melissa asked I can refuse but why I can't refuse at Forth. Why I felt like I want to be with him. I need to find it out. 

Love... Why it so hard (Forth ♡ Beam)Where stories live. Discover now