Again and Again

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Beam P.O.V

Forth brings me safely to my car. He brings me safely but he is fully wet. 

Beam: Forth, how you will back to your dorm. 

Forth: I come in my Ducati today. 

Beam: uhh... You using car right.

Forth: I'm using both bike and car beam. 

Beam: hmmm... It's okay. I will send you to your dorm. It's dangerous to drive bike on raining days.Where is your dorm. 

Forth: Okay, It's behind the campus at the Pharmacy there. 

While driving, I receive a call from Kit. I asked Forth to put it in, loud speaker.

Kit: Beam, Where are you now. I'm calling you from just now.

Beam: Kit, I'm on the way to the dorm.  I slept in the library that why. 

Kit: Beam, due to heavy rain there is a power cut in our dorm. You stay in the hotel nearby to our campus. I'm at Ming's place. 

Beam: Oh, really, Okay thanks, Kitty. 

I don't know which hotel to go. I seek Forth's advice.  

Beam: Forth, which hotel is safe and convenient for me to stay overnight. 

Forth: Beam, it will be difficult to find a hotel during heavy rain. It looks like flooding also. I would suggest you stay at my place tonight. 

Beam: uhmm... really. 

I will be awkward staying with Forth but I wanted to be with him. So, I just agree to the invitation. 

*** Forth's Room***

Omg, this place looks so familiar. I could see myself walking around this room with Forth. Forth comes in after look the door. 

Forth: Beam, what happens to you. 

Beam: Nothing, This place seems to be familiar. 

Forth: Hmm... You used to come here. That's why. Go take shower, and wear these. 

Beam: Forth, is it yours but why it's perfect for me. 

Forth: Beam, it's yours. You left it here last time you stay over. 

uh... I stay over. It so much confusing stuff but I'm feeling cold. Let me have the shower 1st. After I took my shower, I start to feel hungry but I'm shy to tell this Forth. 

Forth: Beam, hungry... wait for a while I already order the food. Since It was raining their delivery will be slow. 

Beam: Okay, thank you Forth. I'm troubling you. 

Forth: No.. not at all. Your presence makes me happy only.


Forth, he just can read my mind by looking at my face. It would be great to have a person like forth in my life. Hey, wait am I falling for him. He is guy and I am. I just knew him for few days but I like him.  What if he already been in a relationship. I need to talk with Kit, So, I will be clear. The food arrived and Forth serve me the food. While we are eating I receive a call from Melissa. Oh god why she keeps on calling me. I don't why but I feel really annoyed with her. 

Beam: Yes Melissa, What do you want?

Melissa: Oh, Beammmmm... I heard your dorm had the power cut. You can come and stay in my room. Here there is no problem.


Beam: Oh, Thank you, Melissa. I'm in Forth's room. Here everything is fine. 

Melissa: What????.... Forth's Room. 

Forth suddenly ask me the phone as he wanted to assure her that I'm safe. I pass the phone to him and went to the kitchen to wash the plates. 

Forth: Hey, don't you have any sense. Why are you still hitting beam.

Melissa: Forth, Don't try anything with Beam.

Forth: I don't have to Melissa. He is MINE. You just stay away from Beam.

Melissa: No, I won't. 

Forth: Fine, Do whatever you want but remember next time I won't be talking like this anymore.

I'm feeling better after had my dinner. I'm tired of studying. I wanted to sleep but luckily forth remind me of my medicine. I have some in my bag for emergency purpose. So, I have them. Forth allocate me a place in his bed. The chillness in the room makes me sleep as soon as lie on the bed. It mid of night. It was still raining and I feeling extremely cold. I don't what to do. I couldn't sleep also. 

Forth: Beam, Why are you not sleeping. Are feeling cold.

Beam: Uhhh.... Yes Forth. Extremely Cold. I can't sleep in cold environment.

Forth: I know that. 

By saying that. Forth pulls me towards him and hug me from behind. I'm shocked for a moment. I don't what to react or how to react. However, being in his embrace make me feel warm. I feel comfortable and I didn't realize when I slept. The morning ray falls on my face and I wake up. Forth is still hugging me. I felt really comfortable. I don't even want to move from that place. I just wondering why there are so many changes in my self. Back in high school I always being famous play boy but now I'm seeking attention from Forth. These 2 years bring many changes in my life but I'm just not sure what happened. I need to talk about Forth to Kit. He knows what happened. 

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