(Ming Kit Special)

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Here is about MingKit...

I can't write more about Phayo in this bus ride.

I will write something different about them.


Kit's P.O.V

Many things changes as the new year start. Pha found his heart back, no he is trying to win yo but it is not easy. It seem forth also have interest on Yo . Forth... get close to beam and I always suspect there is something going between them but start from these year they didn't even speak to each other. Although, I know beam is straight but he really reacts different last year. That makes me wonder but let see how it goes. Ming... Ming... Ming... These is name i'm cursing currently. The moment I saw him my life start to be miserable. We are from same high school and at that time we are neighbors also. There is past with Ming which I doesn't want anyone to know. It's a closed chapter of my life but it seem like it is appearing back. 

Ming's P.O.V

Same as Yo, I just didn't come to this specific university to upgrade myself. I'm here to search for something I lost. I know it with P' Kit. No matter how hard I try. I cant get over him. I'm the one who make the situation complicated but now i'm the one who will fixed it back. It's not easy but for sure I will win over him. I became the faculty moon. I'm not really interested on this but I never expect this would gave me chance to meet P'Kit. He came to meet Yo but the moment our eye match.... Ohh god I can see how much he hates me. It's all because of me. He looks much more cuter now with his dimple which I used to play with but I messed up everything but I have reason for such big mess. I will explain to him after I get his love. Not use that to get back my love. I able to get P Kit's number from Yo without his knowledge. It's been a year I hear his voice. I wanted to talk with him. SO, I text him to meet me after the moons practice. 

***** After the practice *****

Ming: P'Kit, How are you... thanks for coming.

Kit: I'm good. What you want now.

Ming: P' I just want to...

Kit: Ming... If is it about past . Please don't start over. I already move on with my life and I'm happy now just don't make my life hell back. I request this to you. 

Ming: P" I'm sorry. 

Kit: I just don't want to talk regarding it. We are in different stage of life. So just move on. I came to meet you because I know can't avoid you all the time. So, Just be normal with me, don't create any scene. 

Ming: Okay, P' I won't but you ask me to react normally but when there is everyone and you not even talk with me then it's obviously there is something right.

Kit: Okay Ming, I will be normal. Just remember there is nothing between us. 

Kit P.O.V

With that I leave that place but I can feel the difference in myself. I just hope nothing will happen. Whatever happen is enough. I doesn't want to go through it anymore. I will try to act behave normally with him.

Ming P.O.V 

I have the confidence. He will be mine. 

****** THE TRIP ******

Ming P.O.V 

I seat beside Yo in the bus. The moment I saw Pha and Kit enter the bus I changed my seat to different place. Seeing this Pha smile widely in term of thanking me. Since, the bus is full P'Kit had no choice. He have to seat beside me. He seat beside me. I just wai at him. If I talk more for sure he will change his place. So, I just kept quite. P'Forth enter the bus and mention the rest of member will follow with him the car. Pha and Kit, worried Beam but when Forth ask Yo to join him. Pha quickly answer Beam will join them. I know their secret of forth being Yo's cousin and their act these days but it just for my best friends happiness. I just worried P'Kit will go to car but he just seat beside me quietly. 

Kit P.O.V 

The bus is almost full and this beam not answering the call. I know he can be late but didn't expect these late. I should bring him here this morning. My mistake. When I enter the bus... I saw Pha seating beside Yo. It makes me happy to see them together. Next thing, the only place left is beside Ming. So no option I seat beside him. He just wai at him and I replied his wai. When Pha said beam would join them in car. I wanted to join them rather than seat beside ming. He didn't disturb me but I do know my feelings. It's quite complicated. Yet, When think about beam and forth. It would be better if beam come with forth. If the have any issue they can clear up. 

Kit: Ming, Why you keep on texting me these days. I told you not to text me right. 

Ming: Ohh... P'. It just a good morning wish and motivational quotes. 

Kit: Do you need to send me daily. What are trying play be straight to point.

Ming: P' Its nothing. Why you have to imagine it more. 

Ming P.O.V

Although... P'kit is just scold me for things I did but our conservation did not end. I really miss him. I hope I can settle up these misunderstanding and make him mine once again. After travel about an hour, P'Kit start sleeping. I move his head towards my shoulder. Now he seem sleeping more comfortable. Ohh... Shit I forget Yo would have motion sickness if he travel in bus. Okay let me text yo and ask about his condition. 

Ming: Yo, are you okay. 

Yo: Ming, I'm okay for now. I told Pha about my motion sickness he give medicine and talking stories to distract me. 

Ming: Oh... Okay. If anything just shout out my name okay. 

Yo: Okay... thanks.

Love... Why it so hard (Forth ♡ Beam)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora