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Beam P.O.V

Forth send me to work, Pha and Kit question me regarding the change of place. I told them the whole story. They become shocked and worried to hear what is going on. I assure them that I'm fine as long Forth with me. I know Pha and Kit always cared for me. The environment becomes so sad and they keep on thinking about it. So, I shift the topic. 

Beam: Pha, What happen yesterday. Is everything settles between you and Yo. 

Pha: Yes, Finally able to make him smile. 

Kit: Really, Tell what happens. 

Pha: I went straight to his office. He was busy doing something. Kinda cute. The moment he saw me there he becomes shocked. He just asked what am I doing there. I walk closer to him and hug him, he tries to push me. My hug is firm enough and says sorry looking at his eyes. I really mean it. I didn't suspect him I just jealous. I explain my feeling I going through that time to him. Whatever happens, I know I shouldn't say such words. I apologize again. Yo's eyes get wet mine too then he hugged me back. 

Beam: Woow that's lovely Pha. Forth is right certain things should be cleared by those in the relationship without any help. 

Kit: Yes, Pha did you give the ring or not. 

Pha: Yes, then I bend in front him and ask for his approval and he agreed to it. 

Beam: Only that, something is missing. 

Pha: Yes, after that we had a kiss. Okay now. 

Beam: Perfect. Kit what about Ming. Did you forgive him or not. 

Kit: That night itself I forgive him. You know right till I forgive him he is not going to leave me alone. 

Beam: Even you won't feel happy if he didn't say so. 

Kit: Ermm..mmm. Enough come let's start our duty.  

We all go to our respective rooms and I check my schedule. I went for my routine check and back to my room. 

Nurse: Dr. Beam there is someone is waiting to meet you. 

When the nurse said, someone only Acton come into my mind. Since, the nurse knows about Forth. 

Beam: Male or Female. 

Nurse: Female, Dr.

Then, it should be someone else. My imagination is just getting out of control. When I enter the room. I'm surprised to see Shetal there. Is she here to talk about or brother or to pass her brothers message. I don't want to be rude with her so I smile to her and seat in my place. 

Love... Why it so hard (Forth ♡ Beam)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang