Getting To Know

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Beam P.O.V

Pha & Kit... these two people are filthy rich but still wants free food. I just want to pay back my did to Forth but what to do it written for me to spend for these idiot as well. 

Beam: uhmmm... Okay we go for dinner after the rehearsal. 

Forth: Now let's have some refreshment. 

After refreshment they continue to their rehearsal and me and kit waited for them outside. Since we had done helping P'Jane.  After the rehearsal both Pha and Forth walk towards us. Only thing can do that time is staring at Forth. Messy hair, sweat, tired face but with a smile on face still looking handsome. 

Beam: Forth... You choose the the shop. 

Pha & kit: Sushi... sushi ( this guys plan to make me bankrupt for this month)

Forth: What about the noodles behind our university. 

Beam: ( this guy really understand me well but if he asked for sushi I would buy for him) Okay. Let go guys. 

Pha & Kit: Forth... you spoiled the chance.  

<<<At the noodle shop>>>

As Forth and Pha enter the shop all the eyes start looking at them. Both of them equally looking manly and handsome but both of them acted like the place is empty. It's normal for Pha to act like that but this Forth also has the same attitude. It is all handsome guys have this attitude.. I also look handsome but why i can't act like that... maybe not up to their level. It okay let me select what to eat. 

We all enjoy the meal and having good conservation. Although, we just knows Forth but I can all three of us are really comfortable with him and he got the gentleman attitude. 

Forth P.O.V

Days become more and more tiring as the labs, tutorial start together with this moon competition. All of us getting really busy. I just able to see his tired face everyday. But no matter how tired he is when I approach him, he give a beamed look. That's enough for me to make myself active. Since, everyone tired including myself so I plan to have small party on weekend. I used have party with my engineering friends but I this time I invited the doctor again also.

<<At the party>>

I introduce the doctor gang to my friends and the drinking party starts. After, few rounds he started to get drunk and everyone real character show up. Suddenly one of my friend Prem pointed at Beam:

Prem: Beam... Don't mistake me I couldn't control myself. You look so cute. Can I date you.

Beam: Why not.... hahaha {Blushing}

Omg... I should asked it but I'm dare to do but I'm getting jealous. Extremely jealous when I saw that guy is blushing.  

Forth: Prem, Stop dreaming or ready to face your girlfriend as I will let her know you are dating someone else. 

The moment I mention his girlfriend prem shut his mouth and seat quietly and everyone start laughing. 

Beam's P.O.V

It's nice to have group party and these engineering student are really fun to mingle around. They teased among them self it's just relieve the tension we are going through. We made good choice but attending this party and all credits goes to forth.

Prem... Forth's friends out of sudden ask me for a date. Its shocks me... I just imagine how nice if Forth could ask me like that... then I found out myself blushing.  Forth immediately cut of prem date invitation.. Is he jealous? God I hope he is but he look calm and everyone is laughing maybe that how he is... I should know more about him. 

Beam: Pha & Forth... Enough! stop drinking. Tomorrow you guys got photo shoot and both of you must look good. Stop drinking and go home. 

Pha & Forth stare at me for while and knodded in agreement. 

Forth P.O.V

All of sudden, Beam asked me and pha to stop drinking and reminded us about the photoshoot. He just act like my wife and I can't say no... Can I just marry him and make my wife. Then, I remember I come with Lam but they all still in party mood. I doesn't want to disturb them. So, I approach to Beam my cute wife {hope so}...

Forth: Beam can you send me to my dorm. I came with Lam but he seem enjoying the party so I doesn't want to disturb him.

Beam: Sure Forth, where is your dorm. 

Forth: The one beside, Ac Pharmacy. 

Beam: Ohh, Its near to my dorm.. come lets go.

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