Surprise 2

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Beam P.O.V

It becomes one of the most memorable days in my life. I can't forget what happened just now and there are no words to describe my happiness. However, we can't spend the moment with them. We still our duties to be done. 

Beam: Pha, Kit it already late for our duty. Let finish it fast then request for half day leave to Dean.  

Pha: Ya, good idea. 

Kit: Lets, Go. 

Beam: Forth, you guys just can go around the mall beside to the hospital. It's a nice place to visit. After we done, we will call you. 

Forth: Hm.... Okay. Beam, I want to see your room. 

Ming and Yo also wanted to see Kit and Pha's room. By the time they left us we are still doing our internship. There is no room provided for the interships doctor. So, most of the time while we talking forth is curious about my room. I bring Forth to my room. 

Forth: Beam, the room looks good. Wear your coat and sit in the chair, I wanted to see you as Dr. Beam. 

Beam: Forth, are you crazy. I have sent you plenty of pictures right. 

Forth: Just do na, I want to see it now. Na...

Beam: Hmm... Okay. 

I wear my coat and sat in my chair. I have been sitting here for past 2 years. It has never been so special but when Forth asked to do it. I felt it totally different. He is smiling happily to see me in this position. The are times where I really couldn't manage my studies. I really wanted to quit. Forth become my backbone in giving me enough motivation and encouragement. Not forgetting Pha and Kit who been there to teach me what I have forgotten. Although most of time Pha and Kit spend with me, Ming and Yo didn't complain at all. They just come to my room and studied with Forth. I thanked God for giving me such people in my life. 

Beam: Okay, Forth. May I go for the routine check now? 

Forth: Yes, but before that I want something. 

I walk towards Forth, I know what he wants. He hugged me tightly and kiss my lips. I'm not going to complain about this kiss today because myself I'm missing it badly. Its the same kiss that I used to get during my days with forth. He didn't change at all. What I want now is spend my time with forth but I still have responsibilities. 

Forth: Beam, are you taking you meal accurately or not. Why you reduce so much weight. Your waist becomes much smaller. 

Beam: No, Forth. You didn't see me for some time maybe because of that you might feel like that. 

Forth: Beam, you can tell this story to others but not to me. What is your weight now?

Beam: hmmm... about 65Kg. 

Forth: See, Last time you about 70. You reduce 5kg. 

Beam: Hmm... 

Forth seems to be upset with my weight loss. Something he always cares where ever he was is about my health. There will be a text of reminding me to have my breakfast, lunch and dinner daily although we lived in different time zone. 

Beam: Forth, you are here now na.. You can take care of me. Now I want to go to check. After I discuss with Dean I will let you know. 

Forth: hm.... Okay. 

The Dean become surprised on our request of taking leave. We didn't make such request in these 2 years. The Dean allowed us. He understands there is something going on since previously Forth, Ming and Yo meet him to get the permission to utilize the meeting room and the emergency meeting drama. Hence, he gave us extra three days holiday to enjoy. It's really the best thing to hear from him. 

Hi guys,

I'm having my Final exam now. I couldn't write a long chapterSorry for that.Will update ASAP 

Thank You

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