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Beam's P.O.V

Forth invited for his family party, I felt really awkward to join such party but due to forth's request I could neglect it. Although, it very last minute plan, everyone able mange it. We all plan to go together in one car. Forth drives his Porsche. It becomes like all six of us going for a trip. It's really fun but I felt something. Even, Pha seem to be uncomfortable meeting Yo's parents. Even though their parent doesn't know about their relationship.

Pha: N'Yo... How you will introduce me to your parents. As boyfriend

Yo: P'Forth, Look at P'Pha, he getting me on trouble only. Yesterday, he force me to bring him with me. Now making another problem.


Forth: Pha, why you making N upset. 

Pha: Oh... Forth. I just ask him. For sure his parents will ask about me right. 

Forth: Don't worry, I will introduce you as my friends. Is that enough. 

Yo: Thank you na.. P' Forth. P'Pha I will let my family knows about our relationship when the right time comes. 

Pha: Forth... You spoil my plan. Okay, Yo. I will wait for it. 

Mentioning that, Pha kiss Yo. Yo got blushed. 

Kit: Pha, it's not your dorm. Everyone is here. Can't you control you lovely act. 

Pha: Oh... Kit. You are talking as I'm the only one acting lovely. Look at yourself, although there is neck pillow in the car but your are lying on Ming's chest. Forth hold beam's hand at the moment he start driving. Till now it is not separated but you are accusing me being lovely. 

Ming: P'Pha, don't scold my Kit Kat. 

Pha: Actually, I wanted to asked this for long time but today I got the opportunity. Since, last year I predict something going on between Forth and Beam but after Yo came in and the act you guys portray make me confuse. However, they declare their relationship. You Kit, seriously I don't know how, when and what happen. Suddenly in relationship with Ming. Can you tell you lovely love story. It would be entertaining.

Kit: No need to know. I'm not in relationship with anyone. 

Ming: P'... that night you told me you love me. 

Pha: Which night Ming. 

Kit: Ming, just shut up. Yo' please help. 

Yo: P'Pha, don't disturb P'Kit

Beam: Kit, even I'm curious about it. Just share.


Kit: Okay, Fine.  Before the moon competition I had promised Ming, If he able to win the campus moon title I will go dinner with him. Since he won the competition. I had to follow him for dinner. This bastard bring me to a resort which is quite far from our campus. He already set up a candle night dinner. During the dinner time, he proposed to me. Then, I accept him. That's it. 

Ming: P' Kit, ...

Kit: Ming.... shu.

Beam: Hmmmm... I sense something wrong. 

Forth: Ming, tell us what happen. I don't think Kit can just accept you like that. 

Ming: Yes, P'Forth. He didn't accept me like that and after I propose he just walk out of that place. He walk crazily to middle of road till didn't realize car is coming. I run towards him and push him but I got hurt slightly. P'Kit become shocked and tears flow out of his eyes. We had to overnight there. I got my first aid done by him. The tears from Kit Kat eyes already reflect his love for me. I just assure him thing happen in past will never repeat and I kiss him...

Kit: Ming, enough. You don't have to be so detailed. The next morning, he proposed me again and I accept him.


Ming: P'Kit, it's not Morning.

Kit: Yes... it is. Just keep quite(blushing).

Beam: Okay, I understood. No need further explanation. As long you guys are happy. I'm Happy. 

Pha: Okay, but what happen in the past. 

Beam: Pha you are outdated. Just forget about it.    

After hours of journey, Finally we reach Yo's house. 

Love... Why it so hard (Forth ♡ Beam)Where stories live. Discover now