Is it For Me..

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Beam's P.O.V

<<<On the day of Moons and Star competition >>>

Finally, the most awaited day came. All the moons and star look so nervous and stress but these Pha and Forth joking happily. They don't look nervous at all they continue tease each and having fun seems like they are the audience. Whereas I'm nervous how the going to perform.

Beam: Pha , Forth go n get ready it getting late. 

Pha & Forth:  Okay krub... (they tease me and left).

Kit: Beam, the girl from arts faculty is looking at you. 

Beam: Where, Gosh she is beautiful. ( I smile at her and She smile to)

Kit: Beam, What happen to you... are you sick or what? If normal days you see any beautiful girls.. You can forget us and go behind her. Here she is smiling at you and you are standing like dumb here. 

Beam: No Kitty, Today we here to help Pha and Forth. I will save it for later. ( but what kit told me is true after I saw Forth, I never dated any girls and I don't feel to do so)

<<<Both the alpha male come after getting ready>>>

Shia... They looking handsome as hell. All the people continue to stare at them. I even can listen the stars fighting I want pha... I want forth.. I want date both them. These girls are crazy!!!  Forth came to me and give that smile while kit helping Pha adjusting his tie. 

Beam: Forth, looking good.

Forth: Thanks beam..
. ( with that smile again)

(Forth can you stop giving that smile I can't stop admiring at you.)I tell it to myself. 

Beam: Okay guys, what you guys want to perform for individual talent.

Pha & Forth: Suspense... See in stage.

Beam: OKay fine..!!!!(angry)

<<< Announcement made>>>

So it's time for me and kit go to the hall. We wish good luck and go to hall. Since we already book the place. We able to seat in the front row. The show start from introducing.. followed by group performance and now comes the solo performance. Pha is playing piano... He just attract the crowd with the music and girls start shouting like the got hysteria. 

Then, It's Forth performance... He is seating on chair holding his guitar. While playing the guitar he start singing. woow... his voice is too good. It make the hall silent. Seem everyone enjoying his song. Uhh... What is he looking at me... Yessssss... he is looking at me while singing the song. I try call the words in his song... it seem like proposing love. Is it for me?

Kit: Beam, Is Forth singing song for you. 

Beam: NO, way kit... He is just performing

Kit: But why he have to look at you.
( kit look around) Beam, What the science star doing here... She supposed to been in room right. 

Beam: Kit can you just listen to his performance... Don't be busy body.
( but she is standing beside me... Is forth looking at me or her.. Since, I hear gossip that they are close)

The song come to ends and all the people start screaming like hell... It clearly show forth will win the popularity vote..

Forth's P.O.V

I spent my days on writing this lyrics... It's for beam... My beam. I just hope he understand my feelings towards him through this lyric. On the stage ... I only look at beam. It seem only both of us in the hall and I'm singing for him. It's time for us to collect of rose to check the popularity. I'm getting many rose but I don't see beam coming towards me. Maybe ... he is busy with Pha. Someone from the crew approach me with big bouquet of rose and mention someone ask to pass to you but i'm just waiting for beam and finally...

Beam: Forth... here are 2 rose from me. The song is really good. 

Forth: Thanks... Beam. 

I called the crew and told them to keep these two rose separately... It's from my beam. I will preserve and keep it. 

Beam's P.O.V

I wanted to gifted forth a lot of rose but I can't do it directly. If Kit saw then he will tease me for the entire year. So, I excuse kit mentioning going to washroom and when to buy the bouquet of flower. I ask the crew to pass it to Forth... and back to hall.

Kit: Beam, lets go and buy rose for Pha and Forth. 

We bought plenty of rose for pha since he is our best friend and I bought another two for Forth. 

<<< The competition comes to end with Pha winning the campus moon title>>>

<<< Forth winning 1st place and popularity award>>>

Me and kit waiting for Pha at the room. He seems busy as many photograph section going on. We just continue to wait for him. All of sudden, Prae ( Star from arts faculty.... Won popularity awards) approach me.

Beam: Congratulations. Your dance it too good.

Prae: Thank you, Can I take pic with you. 

Beam: Sure... (As I mention it , She came closer to me and hold my hand.... I start feeling uncomfortable)

Forth's P.O.V

Finally the competition comes to end. I'm tired and back to hall. What I saw really shocks me. 
The star from Art faculty is standing really close to beam. I just want push her and told that he is mine. I walk towards beam. 

Before I could hold... May approach me. May ( Star from Science faculty... Won 1st place in competition)

May: Forth... the song is too good. Thank you for dedicating it for me. 

uhhh... when did I say I dedicated it for you but i couldn't say it louder as i'm getting jealous over beam and she give me hug while i'm looking at beam. 

<<<<<<<The Rival>>>>>>>.

** Both beam and forth looking at each other. Prae holding beam and May holding Forth. Both these girls blushing but they didn't realize... Both Beam and Forth are getting extremely jealous. They both continue to stare at each other....  

Guys.. next chapter they will be okay but it takes time for both of them to confess their love because it first time for both of them to fall in love with another guy.... 

if you guys have any comment or suggestion feel free to comment or message me. 

it might give ideas for my further chapters.

thanks for reading this fan fic...

Love... Why it so hard (Forth ♡ Beam)Where stories live. Discover now