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The video clearly shows Forth is innocent.

Beam: Sir, I guess the evidence is good enough to show that May and Acton is the culprit. Forth just fall in the trap the set up for them.

Police: Yes, I would like appreciate your effort to save your friend. We need to go through few procedure and we will send your friend with you. Mr. Beam do you have any backup for the video.

Beam: Yes, sir. I uploaded the video in the facebook.

May: Beam!!!... Why you did that... you spoil my life. I feel ashamed..

Beam: No, the one spoil your life is you by choosing bad route to earn money. You feel happy to take such picture with Forth but now when the truth reveal you feel shame. Moreover, I did that not to spoil your life but to save Forth'name.

The police didn't say anything he just standing there and smiling. May try to move from that place silently but Kit blocked her from escaping.

Police: Miss we need you for the investigation.

May: Why me... I didn't do anything.

Police: No problem... have a sit. We will clearly explain what you have done.

Im happy that I could do something that could save Forth on time. Forth is suprise to see what had happen. He come towards me and hug me. He is quite emotional. Im okay with his hug but later only I realize his parents was  here.

Beam: Forth... Everything is settle now. You don't have to worry.

Forth: Beam, I'm not afraid nor worry about this problem. The think that makes me worry is you didn't come and visit me. I just afraid that you believe this scandal news and angry on me.

Beam: Forth, I trust you more than myself. I know you won't cheat or betray me.

Forth: Thank you Beam... First for having trust on me and second making so much effort to save me.

Beam: I wouldn't achieve it without their help. They risked their life to help us.

Forth still hugging me and thank everyone and finally his parents approach us. I wonder why our first meeting is happening in the police station. Moreover, Im looking bad now.

Forth: Beam this is my parents.

Beam: Sawardikap...

Forth's Maa: Sawardikap... son. I'm eargly waiting to meet you but I don't expect to meet you in such situation. Anyway son thank you for saving Forth.

Beam: Its my duty aunty.

Forth's Maa: Call me Maa son... Forth bring him to our house this weekend. We will talk there. By they way good choice.

Saying that Forth's parents left the place. His mother is really straight forward and have her own style.

Forth: Ready to come my house.

Beam: Im waiting.... Oh My God... Pha, Kit we leave the hospital without informing anyone.

Pha: Shit... yes. Kit, Beam lets go.

Ming: Hey wait... P'Kit I want to spend time with you.

Forth: Beam... I also want to be with you.

Yo: ermmm

Beam: Okay, Ming.. Forth and Yo follow us to hospital. We will finish our duty and spend time with you guys. Later night Forth have to treat us.

Forth: Okay... okay.

We still having our conversation in the police station. Forth's lawyer comes to us and said all the procedure done.

May: Forth..  Im sorry for what I have done but Acton is the one who gave me money and ask me to do so. Please save me Forth.

Forth: Beam will make the decision.

May: Beam... please help me.

Beam:  I would help you if you have done this because of Acton but you are more interested on marrying Forth. I can't forgive you for that.

May: Please Beam... I'm begging you.

Beam: Fine. This time I will help you... but don't ever mess with us.

May: Sure... sure thank you... thank you.

Forth: Why you help her Beam.

Beam: Acton is the trouble maker... she just a tool being used by him. There is no use by punishing her... I allready uploaded the video. I guess its enough for her.

We left the police station and went to hospital. Luckily there is no emergency cases in the hospital. I asked Forth to rest in my room and went for my routine check. Someone throw a paper at me and run away. Its look like a message written on it.

Dear Cutie Pie,

Seems to be very happy on saving you husband. I underestimate your ability. This time your husband won't escape... if you want Forth to be save leave him and come to me but I won't be waiting for answer...... !!!

From: Acton.

Shia... What to do with this Acton. He seems like ready with his next plan to hurt Forth. Why the hell my love have to so many problem. This weekend I going to meet Forths parents. I think I need to ask help from my brother. He can help me.

<<< Beam calling his brother >>>

Beam: Hello, P" how are you....

Love... Why it so hard (Forth ♡ Beam)Where stories live. Discover now