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I'm worried about Forth but it is not time for me to worry I need to explore all the ways to save Forth. I able to get Fai contact number through Yo's friends since they all from science faculty.

Beam: Pha call her and inform her you want to meet her.

Pha: Okay.

Luckily she is working somewhere near to our hospital it is easy for us to meet her. We ask her to come a cafe. We went to the cafe. I wear a cap and mask to hide myself.

Beam: Pha you go and sit there. It will be easy for her to notice your presence. Remember to record your conservation with her. It will be an evidence.

Pha: Okay, Since when you become detective.

Beam: To save Forth I can be anything. I guess she is coming. Good luck.

I walk towards the table next to them so that I can hear their conservation. Meanwhile I call Kit to investigate about their progress.

Beam: Kit, What happen did you guys able to obtain the footage.

Kit: Yes, Beam... Ming bribe the staff and make a copy of the cctv footage but I guess Acton's workers found us.

Beam: Oh my... God. Are you guys save now.

Kit: Yes, Ming fight with them and you know August appear there and help Ming. We escaped with the footage but what to with that.

Beam: Thank god. Directly go to police station. We will meet you there.

Meanwhile Fai had reach the cafe and sit infront of Pha.

Fai: I still cannot believe you called me for a coffee.

Pha: No, Fai I need your help to save my friend.

Fai: Yes, Im happy to help you Pha.

Pha: The problem involve your friend May. She accused Forth try to rape her but im sure Forth is not such person. Do you know any details about it.

Fai: Oh really, we are not in good term now. Few months back she is still good with me but that time she is facing money problem. We all tried to help her but don't know what happen last week she have alot of money. I knew the money is not from a good way but she refused to tell me how she got that money. I advice her not to earn money bad way but she tell im jealous of her success. After that I didn't contact her.

Pha: Ohh, what you guess is correct. She earn money in bad way. Anyway thank you for information. I need to move now but I will treat you after all the problem solve.

Fai: Thank you Pha but if can try to help my friend also. She is just desperate of money buy basically she is good person.

Pha: I will try my best.

Pha left the cafe and I followed him without being notice by anyone. We went to car.

Beam: Pha, Ming and Kit got the Cctv footage.

Pha: Cool. I think with we had enough evidence.

Beam: Yes, I guess but I wanted to meet May first.

Pha: Why? Let get Forth out first.

Beam: I need some information.

Pha: Okay, but where you want to meet her.

Beam: She is working in Forth's company now. I already got her address. Lets go to her house. This is her address.

Love... Why it so hard (Forth ♡ Beam)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora