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Beam's POV

I waited with Pha and kit for the moons and star finish their practice. Then, I saw forth walking out the hall with yo. I don't why, although I trust him but seeing him yo makes me feel jealous. Some more, when he pinch yo's cheek. It' makes me really hot. Another side, Pha face getting red as well... 

Kit: Beam, go to forth... look at pha.

I don't understand what kit mean but the moment he ask to go to forth. My leg walks towards forth. I went and stand beside him. Yo, is good at identify people. He identifies me and wish me. This means... sure yo already knows Pha, but why he is so close with forth. He already move on... or he likes forth now. 

Forth: Yo, how you going back to dorm. Had you had your dinner. 

Yo: I'm going with Ming, P'. We will have dinner, then go to dorm. 

Forth: Okay then, text me once you reach your dorm.

Yo: Okay P' forth... P' beam. Good bye. Ming is here. 

Ming.. Who is this guy. Ohhh he also a moon. Looking handsome and have style. Seems very close with yo. The way they react also shows they are very close. Ming, got high changes to win campus moon title this year... he look as good as Pha but in different way. It seem Pha have to face many moons to reach over Yo. Let me clear with my moon 1st. 

Forth: Beam, want go dinner with me. 

Beam: Sure, forth. Lets me inform my friends first.  Pha & kit, I'm going dinner with Forth. Kit, Forth will drive to my dorm. Thanks for ride  in morning. 

Kit: Okay... hey you don't even invite us for dinner.

Pha: Kit... let him enjoy his date. Why you want disturb him. Beam go, Forth is waiting for you. 

Beam: Whatever guys... Bye (I don't care about tease anymore... ) 

Beam: Forth, where is you bike. I don't see it. (refers to Ducati)

Forth: Beam it's here. (Ecosse ES1)

Beam: uhhh... you changed your bike. 

Forth: No beam, I have few in my collection. These is one of them. I just bought it this year. 

Beam: You are really crazy with you bike. ( all his bikes are expensive ). 

******* Shushi Shop *******

After we order out meal. I wanted to ask about Yo, as I don't want these feeling misunderstanding growing. 

Love... Why it so hard (Forth ♡ Beam)Where stories live. Discover now