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Beam P.O.V

Everyone seems very busy making arrangement for the photo shoot. Yo looks better today. All the moons and star having their make up and hair do. Forth is in-charge of the photo-shoot he really did his job well but Pha sitting here talking stories while looking at his Yo. There comes Forth into action bring water for Yo. As Forth get near to Yo, I can feel Pha getting more uncomfortable. He also give one bottle of water to Ming. He cares for his junior also. Then, he inform other moons, stars and members to take water as it is mixed with glucose. The photo-shoot will done under hot sun, so drink more water and keep yourself hydrated. Ohh... since when Forth start talking about human science but that's okay. He have knowledge in all the field. Pha couldn't seat there and watch Yo smiling at Forth. He move away from there. Yo and Forth kept an eye on Pha's movement. The jealous of Pha really work well but we just hope it work in the we want. Forth ask all the moon and star to go for shoot.  

Then, Forth approach to me and give me a bottle of water. I see him bringing two bottle and pass the to Yo and Ming where did this third bottle came from. 

Beam: Forth, I saw you holding 2 bottles where did third bottle came from.

Forth: I kept it behind for you. Drink it and don't come under sun. 

Lam: Ohh... Forth. Did you only bring water for Beam.

Forth: Lam, don't you have your own leg and hand to go and get the water. 

Lam: I think beam also have right.

Forth: He will be tired. 

Lam: Ohhh... Beam. I'm really jealous of you and you Forth... Seriously i didn't expect this from you forth. Biasssssss.... 

Lam is just being funny all the times. He used to tease Forth and forth love to tease him also. Ohh. when come tease only I remember about my Kitty. I didn't see him after shower just now where is he. Let me go around and search for him. I inform forth and he also wanted to come with me but he have work to do. So I ask him to do his work and go to search my kitty. At last i found him being alone in sea shore. It seem he is thinking about something.

Beam: Kit, What are you are you doing here.

Kit: Just passing my time. 

Beam: Ohh... Kit what happen. You sounds so upset.

Kit: I'm confused beam. I don't know which one to believe both happen in front of my eyes. I don't want to get hurt another time  

Beam: Kit, I can understand there is something. If want to share you can but I won't force you.

Kit is about to tell me his stories... Pha rushes to us. 

Pha: Beam.. Kit did you see Yo.

Beam: Pha, What you did. 

Pha: I'm asking his feelings for Forth, He got mad at me and left. 

Kit : Pha you couldn't be more stupid than this. You know Yo likes you from high school. Still you can hurt him asking such question. 

Pha: Kit... I just want to know his feelings. I'm jealous when Forth approach him. 

Beam: Pha, first did you tell your feelings to him... no right. Then how you can expect a nong to tell his feelings to you. 

Meanwhile, I got receive message from Forth. Informing Yo will be following with us in the car and ask me to get ready to move. I can sense something wrong with Forth. Okay, I will inform Pha and kit. 

Beam: Pha.. kit. Yo is with Forth. He will back to dorm by Forth's car.

Pha: No, I want to meet him first.

Beam: Pha, don't make situation complicated. You can still meet him in campus. I will be following with forth. I will take care of him. Don't worry. 

****** In Car ******

Yo looking upset and forth looking angry. Ming also followed us and trying to cheer Yo.

Forth: Beam, I told you right that bastard won't change.

Yo: P' don't scold P'Pha.

Forth: Yo, Can you stop supporting him. Don't you had enough. Still want more. 

Beam: Forth, he already upset don't make him cry. 

Forth: I don't understand why he have choose such a difficult guy. 

Beam: Its okay forth, everything will be alright. 

After sometimes. Yo keep on getting message. Looking at that message, smile appears on his face. I ask forth to look at his face. 

Forth: Yo, what is going on. is it from Pha.

Yo: P' ... P'Pha still have the note I left for him on my high school. He knows my feelings. I couldn't express myself. P'Pha wants to meet me after reach dorm. 

Forth: Yo... I really don't know what to do with you. 

Beam: Forth, Let him do what he wants. Any problem then we think about it. For now let him decide. 

Forth: Hmmmm... Okay. 

Love... Why it so hard (Forth ♡ Beam)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora