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Beam P.O.V

After we reached campus, we saw kit waiting for me. Kit mention the couple looks good today. Forth smile at him and pecked a kiss on my check. Kit start smile sheepishly... I know the meaning the these smile. I scold Forth for his action but he never reacts to my comments and smiling at me back. We went to room where all the moons and stars were. Forth was stopped at entrance to take pictures. The place were calm before Forth was there, after forth's arrival it become crowded. The organization began to panic as they couldn't control it. Kit insist me to  inside. I just warn Forth before go in. Pha as usual looking smart but he wanted to meet N'Yo. So, We make arrangements  for Pha to meet N'Yo. Ming approach Kit and dragged him to a room and lock the door. I just wonder when Kit give so much place. So, something must happen in meanwhile and this kitty hiding. At last, I'm the one who standing alone and suhee, approach me. 

Suthee: Sawadikap , P'Beam.

Beam: Sawadikap, Oh... Suthee. Good luck and Best wishes. 

Suthee: Thank you. P'. P' did you see P'Forth. 

Beam: Oh.... He is having photo shoot. 

Suthee: Okay, I will go meet him.

Beam: N' you are allowed to go out of this room. 

Suthee: Oh.. Okay P'. If he come inform him I wanted to meet him. 

Oh... what is going on this N' mind. I know he is good guy but I doesn't like him thinking about forth. At least if i could know what is in his mind would make me clear. Finally Pha come with N'YO. As predicted Yo is smiling and blushing. For sure this guy did something to him. After a while Ming and kit also arrived. Ming looks happy like won a lottery and is Kit shy... Omg. I couldn't believe my eyes. This crazy angry guy is shy...Hey wait...

Beam: Kit, What is on your lip. It look like chocolate. Did you start having them. 

Kit: No... I didn't .... yes.

Okay... hey... what is ming holding it's kit kat. I think I can come to a conclusion. Let me think should I tease him or no.  But before I make my decision. Pring appear with Principle and inform Pha they should go greet the chief guest. The moment Pha leave Forth came in. A smile appear on Yo's face after meet his P. Forth came and hug Yo then Ming. Wishes the best. It's time so me and Kit leave the room and go to hall. We reserve the front seat as request by Pha and Forth. 

The competition started with group performance. All of them did their best. Then, it's time for individual performance. Both Pha and Forth appeared at correct time to watch Yo's performance. Yo' seat in-front of Piano and mention he wanted dedicated for a special person and he began to sing song looking at Pha. I just remember the same thing Forth did to me. Maybe this family got the gene of singing for special person both brothers using same idea with different instrument. Pha's facial action is remarkable. He is so in love with N'Yo. Then, followed by Ming's performance. Ming did thai boxing. I can say he is really good. Kit look at Ming without blinking his eyes. I and Pha tease him but he doesn't react for our tease. At the end of his performance, a big scream is heard but Ming is looking a kit only. It seemed like he presented that for him only. 

Then, the event host mentioned there is a special performance. From a very special person.... I just wanted to as to forth regarding the special performance but he is missing. 

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