Arachnid x bullied reader

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Dear Dairy ........

today is the best day of my life!!!

i was sitting eating my lunch away from other people like anyday since i don't have any friends.

when i got attacked by my bullies and like always they dumped water on me , calling me names and laughing at my state.

i don't know what did i do for god to curse me like that ......

and i know i should ignore them and never listen but it really hard not to .........


"your a waste of space !"

"go die! "

"look at her ugly face!"

it doesn't just hurts , it stings , it burns .....

it's really hard not to give up to them but stubborn is my middle name whatever they say!

however with each passing day my spirit started to give in and it really didn't help the fact they started to bully me 'physically' ......

eveyday i get out of school with a new bruise , a new wound , a new scar to my aching heart.

i wounder if that's ever going to stop it won't and i am doomed to the rest of my life ........

i used to love school when i was young , now ???.

it's a hell , a place of torture.

i DREAD going there.

it's not like i can run away from it anyways *sigh* .......

however it's not what i was talking about today soooo like i was saying.

i was sitting alone sadly wanting so much to cry or scream my held rage at them to just leave me alone!

i am going insane here!

go away or else!

but i held my tongue like always knowing there will be a beating to come if i dared to say what i am dying to just screaaaaaam!!!!!

after they laugh it up , i went outside the school for a moment of peace that i know that won't last long.

i sat under a tree listening to the birds singing , closing my eyes at the pleasing silence!

until i heard a painful hiss and the familiar cruel laughter from behind the school.

'well if they are here if they are here bullying anther innocent being , i can't let them , it's not like i am not getting my turn soon after '.

with that thought in mind i hurried to save whoever in pain like me........

and what i saw made me nearly lose control!!

they were throwing rocks at a small kitten!!!

who would do that ?!?!

do they not have a heart at all?!?!?!

the kitten was so small!!

purple and gold fur with a pink eyes so beautiful , so unique but they were filled with so much pain and rage like mine!

i can't allow them to do this !

" hey !!! you cruel bastards !!! leave her alone!!" i shouted in a frightening angry tone .

" oh! would you look at this! it's (n/n) came to help the small brat!! acting like a hero now , are we ?? " one of them mocked me who i believe his name is 'vince' .

" shut up!! you worthless scarp!! i don't care who you are but let me tell you this! you will NOT hurt this kitty!!" i exclaimed glaring at him with strange courage that i was sure i gained from the poor kitty ..... .

" how dare you!! " he went to punch me but i gripped his hand and twist it , throwing him at the trash cans.

i then glanced at the others with an evil mad smirk making them cower in fear and run away. .

the kitty stared at me with surprise and amusement .

i smiled at it softly " hey there i won't hurt you like those idiots " i said , petting her furry head .

it purred softly while you continued to pet her knowing that the bullies won't dare bully me again and most of all that i have gained a friend .

" i will name you Arachnid do you like it ??".

it meowed at you with amazement .

" well then Air let's head back to my-i mean our! home now " .

" meow!" Arachnid meowed happily ..... .

and that was how i met my new friend and partner .

and i hope things will continue to go for the better in the future ......... .


you smiled as you closed your dairy feeling something rub against your leg

you glanced down at Arachnid who was purring softly .

yes , life is good after all.......... .

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