Optimus x depressed! self-harm! Reader

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One....... .

you stared at the flowing blood that dropped from your wrist emotionlessly.

Two......... .

your arm shook like a leaf as more blood fell and tears started to collect in your dull eyes.

Three...... .

'Why doesn't anyone care about me?? Why am l born if I were here to suffer alone??'.

Four........ .

'I am a mistake.....no one would ever notice if I were to disappear.......' .

Five ........ .

'I am sorry I am not perfect.......' .

Six....... .

'I am sorry I exist .......'

Seven....... .

' I am a burden, an unwanted freak.......'.

Eight............ .

You sobbed as you gritted your teeth tightly from the throbbing pain in your wrist; You blinked your lifeless eyes as you started to feel dizziness from the blood loss settling in, when suddenly you heard a distressed meow came from your right. You grunted before turning your head towards the sound slowly only to see a quiet big blue and red cat observing you with a sad, worried and comforting blue eyes.

"Huh?" You shook your head slowly as away to clear your clouded mind.
'Oh yeah.....' You sighed as you remembered how you ran into this deserted highway after having a 'nice' time with some 'friendly' and oh so 'kind' classmates when your thoughts were cut yet again by the same worried feline who was now in front of you.
You made a soft gasp when it leaned slightly towards your face and gently lapped your tears away .

You blinked your eyes in shock and confusion as it nuzzled its head under your jaw and purred comfortingly.
You hesitated before raising your uninjured arm and running it down its beautiful colored back, feeling your lip corners turn upwards into a small smile as you hugged the mewling cat to your chest, feeling a spark of happiness worming its way into your scarred heart as you slowly stand up and took a deep breath before smiling and uttering a four small words you never thought you would say.

" Lets go back home.........Optimus".
Optimus smiled and snuggled into your embrace as you head back to your house.

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