steve x reader

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steve was in deep trouble , well one could say that .

he was following an autobot down the streets of jasper Nevada

when suddenly a ground bridge opened in front of him and he drove through it without thinking !! .

he found himself in a different universe where there was no autobots , no deceptions , no war , no transformers at all!! .

it was still earth , yes , but he doesn't know where he is at , at all !! .

he wasn't in jasper Nevada that's for sure so that left the question to be asked

where is he ??

you were reading a book as you exited from the school building when suddenly you heard some of your classmates squeals

curious about the reason of the noise , you made your way towards them to see a group of girls gawking at a small unique and absolutely terrified kitty .

' hehehe , poor kitty ' you thought amused because who wouldn't be terrified if he/she was in it's place ?? i know i would be more than just terrified if i were in its place .

deciding to take pity on the poor creature , you went to its aid .
" hey girls l think you had enough fun of scaring the crap out of the poor kitty , plus your rides have arrived" you said coolly.
they groaned as they went to their rides leaving you with the purple /black kitty .
" hey there ~! " you cooed before noticing it's tense form.
" don't worry , I not going to hurt you" the kitty seemed to relax at your words .
" you understand me ??" You asked surprised to see it nodding .
" cool.." You murmured .
" my name is (y

)" you said pointing your finger at your self .

the little kitty titled it's head at your before drawing on the sand using it's claws , it said 'steve' .

you raised your eyebrows at the name , it reminded you of steve in transformers prime show.

" 'steve'??" you said uncertainly .

it meowed at you while nodding it's head .

"ok then kitt-steve wanna stay at my house ?? " you offered while smiling at him .

steve's ears perked up , he nodded his head again .

" perfect! let's go then!" you exclaimed before you started to run towards your house with steve running behind you cheerfully .

when you arrived at your house , you opened the door letting steve inside .

steve glanced around with wonder and amazement , he never saw a human house unit from inside before and to tell the truth , your house felt homey and welcoming unlike the nemesis .

he then noticed the small transformers toys on your shelf but what shocked him more than that was the steve toy that laid beside the megatron toy and the small car similar to his alt-mode .

he looked at you then at the toy then at you again dumbfounded .

" what's up with you ,dude ?? you have been staring for 5 minutes now " you said raising an eyebrow at him .

he pointed a paw towards the steve toy then at him .

you glanced between him and the toy in confusion before it finally clicked in your brain .

'the unique colors , the ability to understand , to write and the name... could he be.....??'

" w-wait are you saying YOU ARE STEVE from the transformers prime show ?!?!?!?!" you exclaimed with excitement clear on your voice .

he nodded slowly , you squealed before clearing your throat .

" OK a serious fan moment is happening here " you said grinning from ear to ear .

steve titled his head confused 'a fan moment ..?? and for....him ...? '

" i can't believe this is happening!!!THIS IS SOOOOOO AWESOME!!!" you yelled cheerfully .

steve sweat-dropped at your behavior but he then smiled , you were the first person to be this nice and kind to a simple drone like him .

maybe just maybe living with a human won't be as bad as the other drones used to say ....... .

~three weeks later~

through those weeks you showed steve many human things and places that you thought he would be interested in or he wanted to try or see.

steve learned a lot and was happy to have this time for himself without work or orders and he actually realized humans were not as bad as he was told they were , if anything he found them interesting and their cultures were really amazing , he started to wish he will never has to separate from his loyal human friend , he did not want to go back to being a mindless drone on the nemesis but who knows how fate will turn up to be ??

you were holding steve in your arms while walking around the park showing steve the beautiful flowers that earth can offer

when steve suddenly started to glow , you quickly but him down backing away just in case something happened .

steve continued to glow and grow until he is back into his true form .

you gasped in fascination , your eyes sparkling with wonder and surprise .

steve flashed his vision at you before turning to see a ground-bridge opened leading back to his old life .

you turned to see it too , you then realized that this was going to be a goodbye .

you smiled sadly , rubbing the back of your neck before sighing .

" i guess this is a goodbye then....?" you said in a low voice .

steve looked at you then at the ground-bridge torn who to go with before deciding he did not want to go back .

" no...." he said turning away from the ground-bridge as it slowly started to close .

" what?! what are you doing ?!?!! it's closing!!!" you shouted panicking that your friend will never get back to his own universe .

" no ..,i don't want to go back (Y/N) , i wanna stay here with you , with my friend " he whispered to you .

you looked shocked at him before you smiled at him .

steve flashed his vision at you again before transforming into his alt-mode and opening his door invitingly .

you grinned joyfully hopping inside your alien friend .

it's time for a new adventure ~~!!

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