Optimus x cat! Oc x megatron x predaking

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The picture above is how the oc looks like...... .

It was a rainy day , the clouds was crying hard and the thunder was dancing in the gloomy sky dangerously .
all the animals and humans were hiding in the safety of their shelters in hopes of seeing another day
, where the sun would be shinning brightly and warmly , bathing them with its warmth ...... .

however this is not what our story today is about its in fact is about a certain girl

so why don't we go meet her ?? ..... .

~~ Delilah pov ~~

Delilah was sitting alone in the living room watching TV , since it was raining going out was sadly no option at the moment

so she just sat there on the couch changing channels for anything that might catch her interest .

unfortunately none did so went to do the second best option which was sleep .

but suddenly the light went out and before Delilah could think what is happening here she was knocked out

And everything turned to black............. .

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

waking up to a whispers was not the what Delilah hoped to wake up to .

staying still for a few moments to gather her courage .

she opened her eyes slowly only to be greeted by the face of her friend and study buddy Jack

confused , she tried to stand up but the problem she couldn't , more confused and worried she looked down at her body and she gasped in shock

she was a CAT !!!!

starting to panic , not noticing jack walking up to her , she quickly tried to run away but he griped her before she could escape!!

" hey!!! what are you doing ?! , LET ME GO !!!! " but all that came out was meowing and hissing .

" I am sorry Delilah , but i gotta do this " jack looked at her with pity .

she continued hissing and twisting , shouting .

" traitor!! " " just wait until i turn back human !!!" " i will kill you!!!" " let me go!!!"

and of course he didn't understand what she were saying , all he heard was her hissing and growling .

finally reaching your destination , he stopped at a closed door making Delilah even more mad .

he opened the door , putting her down then closing it quickly not giving her time to escape .

Delilah was so afraid !!! she ran to the room farthest corner , curling and hiding her face not wanting to see anything from her fear .

but she was very aware about the eyes that were staring at her small ,shaking form .

then she felt something nudging her ears , she looked up slowly to see a big red and blue cat watching her gently.

" hello young one , are you OK ?? " he question gently and softly , calming her shaking.

" I-I " she didn't know what to say but she was for sure NOT OK .

" please , don't be afraid young one , am not going to hurt you " his deep soft voice eased her fear.

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