bumblebee x reader

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In this one shot , you are the younger sister to the one and the only Rafael Esquivel !! .
bumblebee is your adopted kitty and your best friend too !!.

you still remember that day , the day you met your yellow kitty , your best friend and most of all your new family member!!.

it was your birthday and your parents decided to get you a special gift which was , you having a new PET !!! .

~ flash back ~

you were super excited!!! You were finally granted your wish !!! .

arriving at the pets care center , you almost bounced on the door if it was not for your dad holding your hand !!.
" now {n/n} , l know your excited and all but you MUST behave there , OK ?? " your dad warned.

" sure thing , daddy!!! " you said overjoyed.
" that's my girl!! Now go chose the pet you want , l am just going to do a quick shopping , okay honey ?? " .
" OK! Bye Daddy!! " you answered cheerfully.
" bye {n/n} " .

after you said your goodbyes to your daddy , you hurried inside and started your search for your perfect pet which , little you found out in the end it's not as easy as it sounds ... .

" awww .... Your cute but too lazy".
" your dirty!! ".
" eh... No!!! ".
" Hmm...... Am l allowed to take a snake as a pet " you titled your head cutely then quickly shook your head no , imaging your brother's and mother's reaction to the snake .

" awww !!!! Come on!! It's been a full hour and l couldn't yet find the perfect one ..." You sobbed sadly then you heard meowing coming from the box on the cliff .
with your curiosity spiking , you made your way to the box , opening it carefully and gasping , eyes lighting up with amazement and wonder at the small kitty inside ..... .

" hello kitty, my name is {y/n} ,wanna be friends??".

the kitty stared at you for a few minutes then meowed , rubbing her tiny head against your hand, giving you your answer .
lifting it from the box , you laughed when it started to lick under your chin , purring softly when you started to scratch behind it's ears .....

looking at you with these big blue eyes , you knew that you have found the perfect pet ...... .

~ end of flash back ~

from that day on , you and the little kitty who you decided to name bumblebee ; because of his colors , never separated , always found together playing, eating even sleeping together , it was rare to find one of you and the other is not around , honestly you two sounded like a twins to any person who passed by !!! and today was no different..... .

" hey bee!!! I am going to the house yard wanna come??" You shouted as you tied your shoe ropes , bee meowed from the other room hurrying up to go play with his human friend.

when he arrived , you took him to your house yard and started to play together for hours without tiring , switching between chasing butterflies which so happened to be bee's favorite , taking a break to pet your cute kitty and pulling pranks on Raf who had already fell on more than twenty before ..... . * poor Rafael kinda feel sorry for him *.
in the end of your eventful day you raced each other to your room , knowing well that there will be anther day with a new adventure ahead .... .

" TOMORROW HERE WE COME~~!!" You shouted before falling asleep with your kitty curled next to you.... .

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