Smokescreen x shy! Reader x Arcee

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(y/n) is a shy girl who met smokescreen and arcee when smokescreen pulled one of his reckless stunt and you so happened to pass by..... .

you were walking alone home after another day of school , feeling slightly down , no one wanted to be your friend because you were just so shy

it's not like you can help it , you were born this way , yet people only wants perfect , they don't understand and wouldn't anyway

why ?? because they don't care , all they care about is their self's , such a selfish cruel people ....... .

you sighed as you continued your way back home but then you heard a faint sound of fighting to your left , towards the forest!! .

" go or not go , go or not go , go or not go??
well curiosity did kill the cat after all ..... Puuuuut satisfaction get it back sooo
yep lets go hopefully l won't regret it . "

you thought as you head towards the sound not knowing that what you were going to see will change your life forever ........ .

you continued your way to the sound

deeper and deeper you went in the forest

louder and louder the sound became

more and more nervous you felt

finally you reached the sound , by now you were sweating and the sound were louder than ever

you started to doubt it was a humans or animals fight , the noise were anything but normal!

that made you regret listening to your curiosity even more!

" maybe i can just head back and forget i heard anything " you thought looking back at your distant home

" but i have already arrived the only thing that separate me from whatever behind the strange sound is a tree!" looking back and forth between the sound and your home .

your curiosity won in the end , you peaked from behind the tree and your jaw dropped at the sight in front of you

" oh my god !!!! " you screamed in your head

" robots!! giant robots !! i knew i shouldn't !! damn curiosity!!! " you thought freaking out .

smokescreen and arcee where patrolling the area when they so happened to come across a decepticon lab that was guarded by 'steve' and some others , smokescreen wanted to impress optimus by getting him one of the decepticons devices , unfortunately it happened to be unknown and untested .

arcee refused to touch any of them and warned smokie to not try one of his stupid stunts while shooting at the decepticons .

but smokescreen being the rookie he is , didn't care about the dangers that can follows his doings like the usual and carried on , prepared to snatch the device .

but what he was not prepared for was that scream of a female human and the bright light that blinded him and arcee the moment he grabbed the device ........ .

you watched silently the blue femme robot finish off the other purple robots while the white male one went to grab some sort of metal thingy with awe and fear i mean who wouldn't be ?? that's so cool but it's also very scary , you know ? they can easily step on you and turn you to a pool of blood ' ewww !!! ' you said mentally to yourself shivering at the imagines that jumped your mind with both fear and disgust .

but you soon screamed when a bright light shoot out of that thing that the male robot was after causing you to close your eyes

when the light died down the femme and male robot has disappeared and in their place there was two small cats ...... .

'must suck to be them ' you thought definitely amused as you hesitatingly decided to head towards them .

" eh ? what happened ?? " smokescreen mumbled as he looked around .


" eh , yeah hehehe sorry . " smokescreen said sheepishly .

" SORRY DOESN'T CUT IT , YOU SCARP HEAD!!! " arcee snapped at him angrily .

before smokescreen could reply , they heard a human footsteps .

they turned around to see a young female human coming towards them shyly while fiddling with her fingers .

' she's cute ' both of them thought in the same time .

" u-ummm...... h-hello ?? " you stuttered shyly , waving down at them .

they both titled their heads at you , staring at your face .

" i-i k-know you are a g-giant robots , i-i eh s-saw you f-fight those p-purple robots , you are really c-cool a-and i c-can help you i-if you want o-of course! " you said while looking at your feet .

they smiled slightly at your kind offer and adorable voice then glanced at each other before nodding up at you .

you smiled brightly in return , happy to finally gain some friends even if they were an aliens .

" O-ok! l-let's go t-then! " you said as you gently cradled them in your arms ,heading towards your house with your new friends in your arms knowing you will not be lonely again .

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