Ratchet x reader

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Ok , you definitely didn't plan this , one second you were chatting with June , your partner and the other you find your self sitting on the ground , crossed legs with an orange cat curled in your lap ........ .

lets make things more clearer , shall we ??

well , it started with you checking on your patients health with June who was helping you with getting whatever you need medicines , tools....etc .

~your pov ~

my name is {y/n} you are a skilled doctor who works at jasper Nevada hospital along side nurse June Darby who was assigned as your partner , you have a medium size house which is very good in my opinion but lets get to the real point here.... .

it was now your break time, you and June were chatting happily till her son , jack came with an orange cat , June quickly excused herself and went to talk with her son , after few minutes she came back with the cat in her arms and let me tell you this neither of them looked happy .......... .
" June?" You asked , raising an eye brow .
" as you can see {y/n} , jack has to go to work and can't keep eye on him at the moment so l am stuck with him now " she answered clearly annoyed.
" hehe .... It can't be this bad " the cat seemed to glare at you .
" eh {y/n} ? Don't prefer to him as it , he kinda hate it so better prefer to him as a 'he' * sigh*" she said sounding tired.

" oh! I see , my apologies then" the cat stopped glaring and just meowed at you.
" hmmm...... Aren't you a cutie??" It's ears shot up in surprised then quickly moved it's head away from you , seeming embarrassed.. .
wow! {y/n} ! You succeed in making a CAT ! Embarrassed , great job!!!
you screamed in your head way too cheerful knowing without a doubt that it would be blushing if it was human !! .
you glanced up at June who was trying her hardest not to laugh at her cat's behavior.
" well looks like he likes you!"
" really? I am glad" you giggled as you took it from June's arms , holding it gently in your arms .

" what's his name anyway??" You questioned
" his name is Ratchet!" June answered joyfully
" that's a fitting name" you said amazed by its soft orange fur .
" thanks {n/n}!!"

you just continued to hold ratchet smiling softly at him in which he just stared at you flicking his cute ears and meowing bashfully .
" hey { y/n} ?? Do You mind taking care of him while I get some paper work done ?? "
" sure June ! I don't mind!!"
" bye {n/n}!!"
" bye !!"
with that said , June hurried back to work while you just sat on the nursery floor with the orange cat curled in your lap purring from the wonderful petting you were giving to his back and head .. .
" hmmmm....... Your really unique , you know that right kitty??" Ratchet just continued to purr but they started to come with more embarrassment , awwww~! .
" who's the cute kitty ~?? You are !! You are !! Hehehe" you snickered when the cat grumbled at the baby talk but started to purr more nonetheless .
" well ratch , Do you want more pettings ?? Or do you want me to scratch behind your ears ~??"
he meowed and pushed his ears in your hands no doubt loving the attention!! .
" hehehe , well scratches is it then , my dear ~"
ratchet purred more loudly and started to rub his head against your stomach while you laughed and continued to scratch behind his soft , orange , pointed ears ~~~...... .

~ time skip ~

after June finished her work she came to pick ratchet up only to see you sitting on the floor asleep with a certain orange cat curled in your lap asleep too , purring softly .
smiling at the cute scene she decided to leave you two in peace but not before taking some pictures for memories and to tease her best friend ~! .

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