Arcee x reader

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The battle ragged on between the autobots and decepticons .

both sides trying to get to the relic first .

Arcee was fighting knockout when bumblebee rammed into him , giving her the signal to go for the relic , nodding quickly.

she transformed in her alt-mode , speeding up towards the relic. when she reached it , she went to grab it, the second her servo contacted the relic.
a bright light covered the entire battlefield making both sides cover their optics , not wanting to risk getting blind .
when the light died down , arcee has disappeared and instead of her , there was a small blue cat .......... .

Arcee was horrified at her state , she couldn't believe what she became !!!

how was she supposed to fight or help her team out when she's even smaller than a human!!

and the worst was that no one can understand her !!!

now she understand how bumblebee felt when no one understood what he was saying !!!

these thoughts have made her on edge , always growling and hissing at anyone who came near her , she had even scratched miko when she dared to touch her tail !!!

when no one on the team could take her attitude anymore , jack suggested to keep arcee under his friend's care

and this friend so happened to be you .......... .

" you can't do this !!! let me go!!! " arcee hissed at jack who was holding her , trying to avoid being scratched .

" i don't know what you are saying but I'll guess your objecting so i am just going to say , that's for the best arcee , i hope you understand that , am really sorry partner , (y/n) is a really nice and kind girl and i know she will take a good care of you " jack said softly as he has arrived at your house .

arcee just sighed , knowing there was no backing down now.

but just because she was forced to stay with you doesn't mean she has to like you or accept your her guardian , right ??.

~~ With You ~~

you were doing your homework when you heard knocking , standing up , you made your way to the door and opened it to see jack .

"jack ??" you questioned , raising an eyebrow at the angry small , blue cat he was holding .

" hello (y/n) , can you please keep an eye on my cat for a while ?? her name is arcee " he smiled at you awkwardly .

" oh ? i never knew you have a pet " he laughed while the cat seemed to grumble .

" yeah , i brought her in recently " he grinned at you.

" well jack , your my friend so i am going to accept your request of course " you said smiling.

" really ?! , thank you (y/n) " he replied happily .

and that was how your adventure started with arcee ....... .

everyday arcee would cause trouble , everyday arcee would destroy or tear something from your belongings , yet that didn't seem to faze you , you stayed gentle and patient with her , never did you snap at her or tried to return her back to jack like she excepted you to do.

and that only made her even more mad ........... .

" *sigh* arcee , can you please stop scratching the curtains ?? , they are kinda expensive " you asked her politely .

she just huffed at you and continued scratching the curtains with her claws .

you sighed again and went to make some coffee wondering , why does she hate you so much ?? .

~~ Three Days Later ~~

it's been three days now , arcee attitude never changed but what you have noticed her body movements has changed.

she became slower , easily tired and she keeps swaying when she walks , that was worrying you greatly so you kept watching her without her knowing ....... .

~~ arcee pov ~~

" w-what is h-happening to me ?? " i thought groaning as i swayed again.

i started to feel more and more dizzy then suddenly

everything turned to black ........ .

~~back to you ~~

you jumped when you heard a thud !! speeding towards the sound

your heart almost fell at the sight of arcee's limp body .

you ran towards her , checking her pulse , you sighed in relief when you heard one

quickly dressing up , you took her to the veterinary , hoping she's OK.

after some time the doctor came out and told me she have fainted because of her leak of eating and resting probably.

" oh , thanks goodness " you thought.

" thank you sir , may i take her home now ??" you asked politely.

" of course , madam , have a nice day " he said.

as you have made your way back home with arcee ....... .

for the next days when arcee woke up , she noticed how hard you were working to make sure , she's OK.

always questioning if she was comfortable or if she needed anything.

always making sure she's eat until she's full and is getting enough rest.

she sometimes would wake up to find you sleeping next to her.

she started to feel more bad and guiltily with each passing day.

you were so kind and patient with her and yet she rewarded you with harshness and coldness.

she never felt the need to apologize like she does now

for she finally learned to accept you ....... .

you were surprised when arcee stopped hating you.

in fact she started to grow more affectionate towards you.

you immediately welcomed these changes.

and soon you two became so close almost inseparable

but the end has yet to come ..... .

one day you two were chilling out when arcee started to glow.

stunned and amazed , you stared at her , why is she glowing ??

she mentioned to you to carry her to your house backyard , you quickly did what she wanted without hesitating.

you put her down on the grassy ground then backed away when she started to grow bigger and taller

until she became a giant female robot !!!

" thank you (y/n) , come let's go back to base " she said softly , voice filled with thankfulness as she transformed into her alt-mode

smiling up at her with awe , you get on , putting your helm with one thought swimming in your head.

now is time for your new adventure with arcee ....~~ !!

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