Autocats x kitten! Reader ~ Final part ~.

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The sun shone upon the Autocat's house bathing it with an untelorable warmth , it was yet another hot day in Jasper Nevada since it's summer. Everybody was suffering from the endless waves of heat , the children and the cyber cats alike.
The autocats were all laid out in front of the fan trying to cool their core temperature somewhat although it sadly didn't seem to help much, especially with the disabled air conditioners. Fortunately Mrs.Darby have called over some technicians to repair or replace them. unfortunately, until they arrive and fix it , they are doomed to suffer from heat.
June suggested to go hang out in some shops and bring the cats with them where they all can relax at the shops probably relieving and cool conditioners which at the moment sounded very appealing and a tempting idea unless they wished to perish here and they certainly didn't want that especially for their little kitten who they were trying their best to relieve but nothing seems to be working so far. She kept , as strange as it sounds , sweating! And wouldn't move! Ratchet almost suspected she had a human fever!.
Yes, going out at the shops was a defiantly perfect idea at the moment.
No one thought that their hang out would turn out like that.... .
Everything was normal , the autocats all were gathered in one bag that the kids carried around in the shops which were heavenly, the cool breezes and the fresh air was exactly what they all needed at the moment.
Once they arrived at the sections, the children decided to separate so everyone go at their favourite section.
Bulkhead, WheelJack and Miko went to the music section, probably to listen to rock and similar stuff. While Rafael took bumblebee, Smokescreen and Y/N after a lot and I mean a lot Of begging, they all went to the videogames and race cars section. Lastly Optimus, Ratchet and Arcee went with Jack who decided to explore the shop for anything interesting.
It was peaceful, they all had fun especially little Y/N who kept chasing the tiny remote controlled toy that Raf distracted her with while he , bee and smoke checked out the new versions of racing games.
Y/N was truly attracted to the toy , it was tiny and kept squeaking and moving in straight lines and circles! And it had a strong resemblance to her bite doll back home.
Y/N tried patting it to stop moving around her in those jerky moves but ended up throwing it away accidentally. The rat toy squeaked and continued its movements before it dashed out of the section.
Y/N meowed curiously before hurrying behind it which was left unnoticed by the three who were watching over her.
The little kitten continued trailing behind the toy until she eventually ended up outside of the shop in the backyard where she lost it from her sight.
She sniffed , looking around for it but soon froze in slight fear when she heard a hiss followed with a blur of sliver and red that landed in front of her seemingly out of nowhere. The cat was not really huge but its big red eyes and sinister smirk was terrifying, especially with the creepy facade trained on her causing her to shake barely concealing a whimper from escaping her frozen in place frame.
" well well, if it isn't a small pathetic kitten, oh how cute~ and a femme no less! Lord Megatron will be pleased~".
That was the last thing she heard before fainting from her fear.
Back at the shop , everyone went into frenzy searching for her in every corner and area until the backyard was only left.
The cats searched for any trance of their own kitten in the seemingly hollow and empty area.
Arcee froze as she sniffed the area where starscream once stood before growling loudly alerting the others who smelled the same scent and also growled , their sparks full of concern and fear for their little spark.
" what do we do now Optimus? " Ratchet said tensedly.
" we must find where starscream took Y/N and return her back to us..." he stated with a grim look on his face before turning away from the Autocats and looking at the left shatters of the rat toy.
' Don't worry, my little one. We are coming...' .


Everything was cold , dirty and defiantly wrong!.
That was the thought that kept racing through Y/N mind from the sec she woke up to find herself in a dirty and dark room.
The place was stinking and very gloomy and Y/N didn't like it.
She wished she was back into her home where all of her caretakers lived and looked after her. She wanted to be back into Optimus hold. His safe , warm and comforting hold. How he hummed to her to lure her into deep recharge. She wanted to be back into ratchet caring touch as he attended to her health and state. She wanted to see his always soft optics that is filled with adoration and care whenever they landed at her small body. She wanted to be back into Arcee's motherly paws as she gently groomed her with almost care and gentleness. She wanted to go play chase with bumblebee and smokescreen again. She wanted to hear their goofy laughter and jokes. She wanted to hear bulkhead and wheeljack wrecker stories again. She wanted to be petted again by her three owners. She wanted to go back to them all , see the love they held for her in their sapphire glowing optics.

And she certainly didn't want to see those faces ever again. Her captors. They all suddenly entered her cell. Those red eyes filled with passion to kill and bring pain to all. The evil glint was enough to make her fur stand up in the ends. She knew if she ever was rescued , these faces are going to burn into her memories and be the cause behind her nightmares for eons to come.
She gulped fearfully , curling a little to appear smaller as she tried to avoid eye contact. Those smirks of bloody monsters of hell was not something she wanted to see either.
She cried out a little in fear, kicking her hind legs a bit as she was raised by the back if her neck to meet the optics of a huge silver and purple cat. His face was covered with scars especially his mouth. It was not a pretty sight. It was devilish and too terrifying for her to look at without starting to shake but then the cat opened its mouth showing a fangs and a teeth sharper than a shark.
" welcome into the Decepticats. " His voice was deep but unlike optimus, it flew like a venom into her ears. It was dark and held a promise of violence and aggression.

Y/N made a soft whine as she hoped her family was coming soon for her.


The autocats were on edge through out the hours that passed by as they searched for the decepticats lair to get back what belongs to them but as the hours passed , they felt as though they will break down. The stress and the strain they were putting on their systems as they searched for her was too much but still they kept going on , the thoughts of their little kitten calling out for them fuelled them with more determination.
The decepticats will pay if they laid a single claw on her.

Back to Y/N , she was left back, thrown into a dirty corner after Megatron left and starscream got the opportunity to have his fun with her. She definitely couldn't move. Never had she experienced such a pain. She mewled in her distress, hoping that her family are soon to come. She didn't want to stay here any longer. The pain and the fear have already left a scar on her spark.
' Dada...please , wanna home...' she whined , squeezing her big optics shut at the scary sounds that kept echoing in this place. It is almost as though this place is haunted and that thought only terrified her more. Besides she was hungry actually no , she was starving. Being left without food form the start of this horrible day to now , she only had a quick breakfast with her family! These cats didn't even bother to check if she needed food. Her energy was draining and her belly kept rumbling.
What is going to happen?? Was this how her light will go off ? No....she must stay strong for her family hopefully they are not too far.

The Autocats have finally found one of the Decepticats trails which lead them to a group of the drones or vehicats. They engaged each other in a furious battle and eventually they managed to push one of them to spit out where did they keep their little one locked.
' hang on Y/N , we are coming....' .

Once they arrived , they were faced with the entire Decepticats tribe awaiting for them.
" fancy seeing you here , prime. " Megatron spat out with that murderous smirk of his.
" you know why we are here Megatron, give us Y/N safely and we will return back peacefully. " Optimus demanded.
" Oh but were the fun would be in that? Besides the little one is getting used to this place. I assure you , she is enjoying her stay with us very much. " He chuckled darkly.
Optimus hissed at him and muttered some orders at the others before he lunged at Megatron.
The team quickly spilt , Arcee and Ratchet were in charge of sneaking into the lair and searching for Y/N while the others distract the Decepticats.
They searched everywhere for her until they heard small terrified noises and hurried towards the source where their precious Y/N was.
Arcee and Ratchet were enraged at the conditions the little kitten was left in while Y/N was beyond happy and thrilled that she kept clinging into Ratchet furry refusing to let go. No one could blame her for that , it was the hardest experience she ever had and the autocats swore it would be the last one. They will keep a careful optic on their little one from now on. Before the Autocats retreat , they left a small surprise for the Decepticats.
Let's say that their lair is in a disastrous state now from Ratchet fury and Arcee managed to stole some of their food and freed their preys as a kind of revenge.

After returning to their home and checking the little one over, all of the Autocats curled around Y/N comforting her and murmuring small words of praises for her encouragement and endurement to soothe their little one after her rescue.

Y/N truly have a caring family who will always look out for her and she wouldn't want it otherwise.

\\ Thank you all for waiting , I hope you like the final part of the Autocats x kitten reader one shots. I won't be writing anymore of it for now, I hope you understand. This was one of the longest shots I wrote to now so enjoy ! // 

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