1: Say Hello

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Bum couldn't believe his terrible luck, if one could even consider it that. He had just been trying to get a little bit closer to his one true love, Oh Sangwoo. And now he had seen and experienced more than he had ever wanted to: he saw a girl be murdered, his legs were broken, he was terrified beyond all belief, and yet he was still alive. It was truly amazing. For the next week, Bum somehow stayed alive, even garnering a kiss at one point. Perhaps his luck would change.

He loved Sangwoo. Oh he really, really loved Sangwoo. He could barely contain himself when he thought about him. And now Sangwoo was going to keep him. Bum was special, and he felt special. Even more so when he was taken upstairs for a bath and to learn the rules. He was even going to be allowed to cook for Sangwoo! But Bum wasn't that special, and he learned that very quickly.

"Ah, it's dinner time." Sangwoo stated oddly loud as he finally finished terrorizing Bum for the time being.

Soon light padding could be heard from the second floor. The flapping of socked feet against the ground hit a climax as the owner of the feet approached the stairs.

"How long have you been home Sang!? I've missed you dearly!" Sangwoo immediately perked up and quickly strode to the bottom of the stairs. Seeing him with such a bright smile and open arms immediately peaked Bum's curiosity as well as his jealousy. What followed next simply astounded him.

Bounding down the stairs was a young woman on the smaller side. She was wearing a white, loose fitting dress with cute, rainbow toe socks and by all accounts, was absolutely adorable. Even Bum, who was certainly not sexually attracted to women, saw her appeal. She flew into Sangwoo's arms and was spun around a few times before being placed onto the floor gently. She embraced Sangwoo in a way that made Bum's stomach clench. He wanted that love. He wanted that affection. Instead he was given two broken legs and ugly, feminine clothes. He wondered, disgusted, if they were her clothes. Quickly, he deduced that they were not as the clothes were much too big for her, but before he could calm himself down and refocus on what to make for dinner, he witnessed something that upset him even further. Sangwoo planted a lovingly, deep and passionate kiss on this mysterious woman. Those are supposed to be my kisses! I wonder if she would still kiss him if she knew that he kissed me too. Bum thought to himself bitterly. Sangwoo and this woman strolled over towards Bum, the woman hiding behind Sangwoo in a shy manner.

"Well aren't you going to introduce yourself?" Sangwoo questioned him.

"W-what?" Bum could only stutter back, caught off-guard.

"I said," Sangwoo crouched down and yanked Bum's hair back and forced him to look at the mysterious lady, "Introduce yourself."

"My-my name i-is Yoon Bum." He stuttered.

"Ask for her name." Sangwoo commanded.

"Ma-may I ask wh-what is y-your name?"

"Goo Gi-ae." You whispered back. It was difficult for you to interact with people. You never got much practice in. Sangwoo released Bum and turned to nuzzle you.

"Mmmm, what a good girl." He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your head. "I would normally remind you to bow to someone, but you don't need to bow to this swine. Think of him as your personal servant. If you want something from him, you can ask him. We can use him to practice on so you can go outside more and not worry about all of the scary people."

"Thank you, Sang. You are so considerate of me." You whispered into his ear breathlessly. It drove him mad. He was definitely head-over-heels in love with you. But who wouldn't be in love with someone who they had molded perfectly for themselves?

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