I slowly stood up, a distant voice calling my name as my fingers gripped onto the hilt of the dagger in my boot.

I opened the unlocked door, stepping inside the house. I saw a blurred figure run past, into the kitchen, the voice getting louder.

I lifted my dagger, pressing my back to the wall as I moved as quietly as I could. I then jumped out, pushing the figure against the wall.

"Soph!" the voice yelled as the blurry face became focused, revealing a worried and slightly scared Scott.

I instantly dropped the knife, taking a few steps away from him. "I'm so sorry. Scott, I-I'm so sorry. I don't-I'm sorry."

His eyes flickered over my face before he reached out and pulled into his arms.

"What happened?"

"I was packing up for school and you came downstairs and you fell asleep on the couch. Then you started mumbling and I went into the kitchen for just a minute and then you pinned me against the wall."

"I'm so-" He cut me off, shushing my words as he tightened his already tight hold on me.

"It's ok. It wasn't your fault."

"I could've hurt you."

"But you didn't."

"What if I had?"

"Soph." He leaned back to look into my eyes, his hands clinging to my shirt. "It's ok."

"I almost stabbed you, I'm sleepwalking, and I might be crazy. How is any of this ok?"

"They're nightmares. Dreams. That's all they are."

"They seem so real." I whimpered as I buried my face into his shoulder again.

"I know they do. But they're not. Just remember that, ok? It's not real. You can just wake up."

I sniffled, resting my cheek on his shoulder as he calmingly stroked my hair, moving it out of my face. My eyes wandered over to the clock to see we were late for school. "Scott, we're late."

"We're not going today. Today, I'm taking care of you and you're not gonna lift a finger and neither of us are going to think about the nightmares. Ok? And you're going to smile and laugh all day, even if I have to tickle you to death."

I laughed at that, feeling him smile and press a kiss to the side of my head. "Ok."

Laila's POV

"I miss hanging out with you. I feel like we haven't spent any time together." Aiden whined playfully, making me smile.

"I know. I've just been busy."

"Well what are you doing today?"

"Not much."

"Good. Then we can go out for ice cream or something."

"As friends?"

"Of course as friends."

"Then I'd love to."

"I'll meet you after school then." He smiled widely, pushing away from the lockers and walking away.

"Your boyfriend is looking." Lydia warned while reapplying her lipstick.

I looked over her shoulder to see Isaac glaring in the direction Aiden had gone. "I don't understand why they don't like each other."

"Because one of them is your ex and the other's the guy that replaced him. I'm sure they have a few reasons to argue."

"Isaac didn't replace Aiden."

"We know that. But Aiden doesn't."

I sighed before closing my locker, swinging my bag onto my shoulder. "Do you think he's jealous of Isaac?"

"I think they're both jealous of each other." 

"You're starting to make me wonder if I should've said no to ice cream." I grumbled, frowning.

"You probably should have. But if you're comfortable enough to hang out with Aiden as friends, then go for it."  

"I'll be back." I muttered, walking over to where Isaac stood with Erica, waiting for her to finish loading up her bag. "Hi."

Isaac turned to give Erica a look that she only rolled her eyes at, shutting her locker and leaving.

"Hey." he mumbled, turning back to me.

"She doesn't like me, does she?" I asked, gesturing in the direction Erica had gone.

"She's just being protective. Once she gets to know you, she'll love you."

"Do you really think so?"

"I know so. What were you and Aiden talking about?" he nearly blurted out, clearing his throat after and trying to regain his cool composure.

"He invited me out to ice cream."

"And what did you say?"

"I said yes. Because we're going as friends."


"Friends." I confirmed, nodding my head with a small smile on my face.

"So if he does anything too, I don't know, flirty, you'll tell me, right?"

"If he does anything too flirty, I'll remind him I have a boyfriend." I stepped closer, looking up at him as he stared at the ground, fighting off a smile.

"I love hearing you say that." he admitted, his eyes snapping up to meet mine.


"That I'm your boyfriend."

"Well you are." I moved even closer, reaching out to play with his jacket.

I leaned onto my toes as he leaned down, pressing our lips together. I tightened my hold on his jacket, pulling him closer as one of his hands gently grabbed my waist.

The sound of the school bell made us break apart, reminding me that we were in a crowded hallway.

I hid my face in his neck as I tried to muffle my laughter before peeking up at him. "We should get to class."

His hand tipped my chin back, his lips against mine once again.

"Come on you two." Lydia's voice ordered as a hand grabbed my arm, pulling me away from his embrace.

I heard him laughing as I stumbled, tripping over my own feet while Lydia nearly dragged me to the classroom.

Author's Note:

Double update since I hit 400k reads!

I'll see you in my next chapter. BYEEE!!!!

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