No More Heartbreak

Start from the beginning

Vincent nodded, "Okay, so we got a working theory. Now we gotta test it." I then groaned and they turned to me, "Only problem is, Lucien's blood is all over the Devil's Star I borrowed from Cami which is in his pent house. I sliced him all to hell before I ran." Vincent nodded, "Okay, I got this one. Lucien's got no reason to be on the lookout for me." He said and left. I took a deep breathe as Klaus came back over and took over his spot again holding the clothe to the bite on my arm. "Maybe... maybe we hedge our bets. Hope is a Mikaelson witch who carries the wolf gene. We already know that she has healing power." Hayley called out, and Freya spoke up "It's worth a try." Hayley nodded "I'll tell Mary that I'm coming." leaving the room.

I sat in the upstairs study my knees to my chest as I thought about my past. Klaus came up and sat next to me with a bottle of herbs and stuff. "You know, My father and Elena died yesterday" I spoke and Klaus stayed silent. "They had their human life together, until they got into a car crash, and i'm about to join them." Klaus handed me a glass cup and I took it like a shot before coughing. Suddenly Freya, Vincent, and Marcel rushed up the stairs to us and handed me a bowl of blood. "Drink it, It'll help" I downed the bowl of blood and softly smiled at Freya. Klaus left me as I went to grab something, but I went to my witch room instead. I grabbed my pendent from the window and lit the candles around me. Performing a seance I called out to the only witch that'll help me. My mother.

After having that conversation I walked back to the study where I was before. Niklaus was waiting for me and he helped me into the bed. I laid my head against the pillow and Niklaus sat next to me. Taking my hand in his I closed my eyes as I was sucked into my mind.

I sat on our old porch swing with a glass of burbon infront of me. Niklaus sat next to me and I smiled. "I'm getting tired." I said and laid my head on Klaus' shoulder. "Salem..." Klaus called out. "It's funny...Even though we're so different...You still took me in and raised me as your own. I love and appreciate you so much" Klaus tightened his grip on my hand. "I do love you, you know." I looked at him and called out "I thought you were going to tell me that tomorrow." As Klaus just stared at me, "I really don't have another tomorrow, do I? Klaus?" Suddenly everything started to slow down and it became harder to breathe, "What's-what-what, what's happening?" I called out,

"Your heart is slowing. But it still beats. You're fighting. Because you want to live." Niklaus called out and tears filled my eyes, "I wanted to be brave. I wanted to handle this with dignity. But I... I-I can't. I... I don't want to go. I'm so scared." Niklaus looked me in the eyes and called out "I'm here. I'm here." I chuckled and said "So much for the brave hybrid act, huh? When I said I was ready to die, I was full of it. And I just wish I had done more than do a few spells and fail completely as an older sister or your daughter " Klaus cut my rant off and sternly told me

 "Don't you think for a moment that you failed me. You stayed by my side. Quelled my rage. You inspired goodness in me. And unlike all of the souls I've encountered and forgotten in the long march of time... I will carry you with me Always and Forever" Tears fell as I called out "I guess that makes me immortal." Klaus pulled me close to him as he called out "No, no, no, no, no, no. Not yet. Just stay a bit longer?" I hiccuped as I shook and asked "Do you remember the Bible verse Cami once told me I remind her of?" Klaus gulped as he ran his fingers through my black curls. ""The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.""

I nodded as I cried, "I was never naive enough to think that...I was your light. But there is light in you. All that anger, the cycle of abuse that Mikael began, you can end it.You have to. So you can be the light for your little girl, for my baby sister For Hope. Make sure she knows I love her" I cuddled into his neck as he whispered, "Do not be afraid.You go now where many have gone before you. And where even I will go in time. Just know... there will be no more pain. No more heartbreak. You will find peace."

And just like that...Everything went black.

"Momma" I called out as I saw her waiting for me. "Salem" she breathed out and rushed over to hug me to her. She pulled away and held my face in her hands before she flicked her wrist.

I woke up with a gasp and Niklaus had tears in his eyes as he turned and called out "Salem?" I slid off the bed smiling and he picked me up in a flash and spun me around kissing the top of my head. "What happened?" he asked and I smirked as I said "My Mother" He just hugged me to him tightly before letting me of and everyone rushed up the stairs staring at me. "Salem?" Freya asked and I nodded. "Who else?" I asked and I looked in the mirror behind her and gasped as I saw myself. "Whoa" I whispered.

My black hair was now in blonde ringlets. My hazel eyes turned a bright green and I didn't look like I was loosing my life anymore. 

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