Niklaus nodded and said "Let me be clear about one thing, witch. You need me. I know my siblings better than anyone, their strengths, their weaknesses. They are a powerful and determined lot, perhaps capable of evading you for the short year that you have until your slumber begins anew. You may well loose everything, but I know how to vanquish those who stand against us, and that is exactly what I intend to do." Suddenly the storm calmed, and Dahlia said "The storm has served its purpose. Now enough delays. I will take what is owed to me, and if the mother resists or attempts to run, I will kill her myself." I watched how Niklaus smirked, and I spoke up "Oh, I wouldn't worry about that." Niklaus turned to leave and said "I have something planned for Hayley that's far worse than death." He turned to me and motioned for me to follow making me nod and I followed.

We showed up at Marcel's place, and we took occupancy to the chairs in the main room, as Marcel came down the stairs talking on the phone "Call me. I'll handle it." Niklaus spoke up, and I followed his orders to stay quiet and seated. "Sound advice. Although I do wonder..." He stood as Marcel called out "Hey..." Niklaus' rage was getting the best of him as he said "How exactly would you handle me?" Marcel held his hands up "Now before you get angry..." Niklaus flashed him into a wall holding him up by his neck. "I am well past angry, Marcellus. I am mad with rage, but today is your lucky day because I'm not gonna kill you. No. I need something from you, so instead I'm gonna take solace in the anticipation of ripping it out of you." He snapped his neck and turned to me, after throwing him on the ground. Except his eyes didn't stay locked on mine. I watched as he turned to see Dahlia in the door way.

"Wakey, wakey." Klaus called out, and the now tied up, upside down Marcel blinked his eyes awake. "I was getting bored, but then some of your associates popped by to keep me entertained." He said smirking showing him the knife. "Keep them out of this." Marcel choked out trying to get himself untied. "Easy, easy. You've suffered a substantial amount of blood loss. I had to excise the vervain from your system, but then I can't have you impervious to my compulsion now, can I?" Niklaus asked as he turned and stabbed Marcel in the stomach. "Agh! Unh!" Klaus turned to the passed out Gia on the couch and knelled down next to her, "Hello. Pretty, I think you're gonna come in rather useful later on." From across the room Dahlia grew impatient, "You've got what you came for. Just kill them and be done with it."

"With respect, dear Aunt Dahlia, this is all part of my plan. My family, powerful though they may be, are bound by love, vows of friendship, and nauseating romantic entanglements, all of which I intend to use against them. Marcellus will help turn the tide. Mark my words. By day's end, they will be laid low, and my daughter will be safe with us." I put my head down and bit my lip, as Niklaus stabbed Marcel again.

Knowing I'd get in the way, I was compelled to go in and sit. I can not intervene in anyway shape or form. I was forced to watched, as Niklaus betrayed his family, as they once betrayed them. The plan could of worked, but Niklaus tackled Elijah last minute.

My heart broke as Gia walked into the compound, and she walked over by me. "Elijah?" she called out, and Klaus called out from the balcony. "Gia, be a sweetheart and take off your daylight ring." tears came to my eyes, as Elijah screamed out "No! No!" Gia gulped as she hesitantly, and slowly took the ring from her finger. "I can't stop myself." She says and then erupted into flames. Gia started screaming as Elijah called out "No! No! Noooo!"

Klaus pushed Elijah down the stairs and called out "Is that a hint of the fabled beast behind the red door? Come on, brother. Let him out to play." He grabbed Elijah into a headlock and said "You should know better than to fight me in anger, for my anger is unending." a pool of red started flooding near his chest, as Elijah screamed.

Tears began freely falling as I clenched my eyes shut. Suddenly I herd "Klaus!" I jerked my head towards the door to see Cami. "You shouldn't have come here, Camille." Klaus said and stalked towards her "I came here because you need me. You need me to tell you that this... this is not you, and I know you are hurt, but please listen to me. You are better than this." Niklaus stared at her for a second. Suddenly Dahlia called out "Is there a problem?" Klaus shook his head, "Not at all. Just another victim." I then screamed out "No!" Klaus went towards Cami but she stayed still "Klaus, I know you won't hurt me. I have known that from the second we met. I trust you." Klaus kept that merderous look on his face. "Then you are already lost." He bit her neck and sucked her blood until she passed out. Niklaus then let her body fall to the floor. He turned to me, as tears fell down my face, and stalked towards me. He got closer as I called out "No!" I held my hands up, and he seemed to be blocked from coming closer. "Quite the sinister plot they had planned." Dahlia called out.

"It would have failed in the end, though. Just as well you came to your senses and sided with me." Dahlia looked at us, and the doors busted open. " Have you lost your mind?" Rebekah called out entering the room her hands in shackles, and Marcel leading her. " My mind is quite clear. I just decided to purge it of treacherous barnacles." Niklaus called out turning to her. I brought my legs to my chest to try and calm myself down. "bastard!" She yelled out"How could you?"

Niklaus just looked at her and said "Actually, it was rather simple. I compelled Salem to sit, and not get involved, while I just recalled what Elijah did to me and reciprocated ten-fold. Be careful, or I'll apply the same equation to you." I bowed my head as Dahlia came over to me, and gripped my arm yanking me out of the chair.

"Marcellus, keep Rebekah here. If she tries to leave... well, you do enjoy life as a mortal... you can punish her by taking that life away." Macel looked at him and called out "Go to hell." Niklaus looked at him and said "If by hell you mean somewhere you are betrayed by those you hold most dear, then it's from hell I've just come. I didn't much care for it." He grabbed Marcel and compelled him "Do as you're told. There's a good lad."

Dahlia dragged my over to Klaus and said "The child's magic is still cloaked, but Salem knows exactly where they are I shall need her blood to track Hope." Niklaus came at me the veins from under his eyes visible. "No. Nik, don't!" Rebekah called out, but I gulped, and screamed as Niklaus basically ripped my jugular open. Tears fell from my eyes, until my vision spotted and I reached up placing a hand on his cheek. I closed my eyes and fell to the floor in a puddle of my own blood, as everything went black.

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