PJ Headcannon: What Sally Jackson did to Gabe Ugliano

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We all know that Sally turned Gabe and his gross pig-like poker friends to stone, but how did it really go down? This is my short story headcannon of how this shit went down.

Because I mean really, how terrible was Gabe to Sally?

How many years did she have to spend with him?

<This one might be strange but I feel its still ligit> How many times would she have had to have sex with him or something?

Just to keep Percy safe?

I feel like she is a real backstage hero in these books because she went through a lot to keep her son safe. So this is my headcannon on her finally being able to get revenge on Gabe using Medusa's head.

(Apologies on how short it is, and that it's not really quite like Sally because she is such a nice shy and timid, non-confrontational character but this is like her one moment to show him what she really felt I think.)

Sally held the box in her hands, knowing what was inside thanks to Percy's letter. When she walked into the apartment, she put it down on the bench.

"Hey, get me a drink would ya?" Gabe called from the living room. They hadn't moved still playing there game of poker for the afternoon. sally glanced over at the box, and had a very good idea. This might be fun after all. She grabbed a beer out of the fridge and popped the top off it, then slowly walked out into the lounge room, grabbing the TV remote and turning it off as she went.

"'Ey, what'd ya do tha' for?!" One of Gabe's friends said. He sounded like he was already on the way to getting drunk.

"Because it's my turn to talk now I think." She replied. She held Gabe's drink in her hand with two fingers, no seeming to care much for it. Gabe reached for it, but she pulled it back, out of his reach.

"Gimme my drink." Gabe said, raising his hand. Normally Sally would flinch at this, but when he realised she didn't he started to get a little worried.

"Do you believe in Greek mythology? Any of you?" They all shook their heads.

"What the hell does that have to anything?" Gabe asked but Sally silenced him. Then she took a drink of the beer that she held and made a face.

"No wonder your so vile if you constantly drink that stuff." She threw the bottle at Gabe and it sloshed around a lot, splashing him. He nearly didn't catch it. "Now, do you know about the story of Perseus and Medusa?" Two of them shook their head, but the third who hadn't said anything yet spoke up now.

"Yeah, Medusa was that chic who turned peeps inta stone, yeah?" He asked. Sally nodded.

"Now, let's say that Greek mythology was true for a minute... and that my son Percy, or Perseus, had actually cut off Medusa's head,-"

"There's no way, that little runt couldn't do shit!" Gabe said, and Sally glared at him, so he stayed quiet.

"And then gave it to me, would you want to see it?" One nodded, another looked too drunk to comprehend and Gabe just shrugged.

"This is all just a bunch of nonsense to get me to give you money or some bullshit, isn't it?" He grumbled, and looked back to his cards. Sally smiled to herself and walked back out into the kitchen, opening the box and carefully made sure it stayed wrapped up in the hoodie, which she recognised as Grover's since he wore them so often. She handled it carefully and walked back into the lounge room once again.

The boys had gone back to their poker game, and Sally cleared her throat. "Wanna see?" She asked, holding up the sweater. They all looked up and she flipped the hood down to reveal Medusa's head, and she reffed on one of the dead snakes of her hair, and the eyes opened.

The poker players had turned to stone.

And Sally Jackson was finally free of her abusive husband.

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