Elijah nodded listening to every word I said, and smiled softly at me. "If given the chance would you go back?" he asked me and I hmmed for a second and said "No, I'd go back just to check up, not get too close but just close enough to know they're safe" Elijah nodded and I turned to him and asked "What's been going on with you Lijah?" 

Elijah just shook his head, "We better get back" I nodded and followed him back. He went up next to Hayley as she held Hope, while I came up next to Klaus, as we smiled at each other. "Wanna do the honors?" he asked handing me a match. I smiled and took it and lit it with the box throwing it on the pile of wood, watching as it erupted into flames. Rebekah threw the door open and rushed outside to us carrying an old Polaroid camera.

" Hey! Look what I found! I wonder if it'll work." From beside me Klaus sighed, " Oh, bloody hell." making me smile and laugh. "Come on, let's try it! Hey, Nik, do you think you can cram us all into a selfie?" Coming over to us, Elijah calls out "Oh, Niklaus is a virtuoso at cramming his siblings into confined spaces." making me giggle, Klaus on the other hand not so much. "Well, I'm just glad I traveled hundreds of miles to visit my mentally ill brother, only to have him insult me to my face!"

"Oh, come on, just take the picture!" Beks said furrowing her brows. Klaus sighs and holds up the camera to take a picture of the six of us together. Everyone in smiling, Hope including, except for Klaus, who remains blank-faced. They all watch as the photo develops. "Aw, see? I wish that it could always be like this." I called out.

"If wishes were horses..." Elijah started, "...Beggars would ride." Klaus finished. They all look happily at the photograph, but Klaus suddenly sighs, "You realize we'll have to burn it. You want me to make a wish for the family, Rebekah? I wish it didn't have to be like this. But, it does. " He hands the photo to Hayley, " We can't risk it falling into the wrong hands."

Me, Hayley and Elijah look at each other, both visibly sad, and Hayley takes a good, long look at the photo before reluctantly throwing it into the bonfire. "No! This isn't right. We deserve this. We've earned this." She looks at Elijah, who looks unhappy, "I won't let it slip away." Hayley and Klaus both look at her, confused and concerned. " I know what to do to stop Esther."

" Rebekah, no..." I called out but Bekah ignored me, "I'm going to take her deal. And, when I do, I'm taking her down with me." Rebekah and Klaus stare at each other, and Rebekah gulps anxiously

While we were all inside discussing Rebekah's insane plan, Hayley was feeding the baby outside. "It'll work. She will be distracted during the spell. She'll be vulnerable." Beks called out, but Klaus disagree'd " No. If we kill her, she body-jumps." Suddenly getting an Idea I spoke up, " Then, we stop her from jumping!"

"If I knew how to bloody stop her from jumping, don't you think I would have happily murdered her ages ago?" Klaus snapped and Bekah turned to me getting what I'm saying, "Well, ages ago, you didn't have a Harvest girl or a Mikaelson witch, or me. Kol knows all of her tricks." I called out. " Now, you're both insane." Elijah called out.

"Hardly, Elijah. It was your idea! You're the one who said she needed a win, and if we get this right, then she'll have one." Rebekah said, but Elijah called out "And if we get it wrong, you're no longer in your own body!"

"Would that be the worst thing? You were ready to do it yourself." Bekah told him, and Klaus looks at Elijah, surprised and concerned at this revelation. "It was a foolish moment, and one that you sagely dissuaded me from."

" Hopefully, we'll get lucky and stop the spell before I jump." Bekah said and I sighed, "Unless we get tricked" but no one really paid any attention to my comment. "And, if we're not, you'll get what you always wanted." Rebekah swallows nervously, as Klaus goes on. " I mean, that's what you're saying, isn't it? You're willing to lose."
"I'm willing to risk losing, yes." Bekah told him and Klaus sighed, :" Well, we need to find someone for her to jump into. Someone anonymous. Someone who could disappear with Hope."

"Rebekah, we've been together for centuries. If you were human..." Elijah started and Rebekah rolled her eyes, "When I'm old and wrinkly, you can dump me back into my old body. Nik already has a coffin he can store me in." I sighed and crossed my arms, my hands gripping onto them. "But, to trust Kol? Are you seriously risking it?" I asked.

"It's not about trust, Love. It's about finding the proper leverage." she told me and I sighed, "She's right. Kol will do what's best for Kol; We just have to meet his price." I told the brothers, and watched as Klaus took out his phone to dial a number.

When night seeped by, I was laying down half asleep as I listened to Klaus and Rebekah talk.

Rebekah: You are mad to give Kol that diamond.

Klaus: Our little brother has been plotting against me for years, and he hasn't got a lick of it right. I'll take my chances. ( beat ) Do you know what to do?

Rebekah: ( takes a deep breath ) Yes. But, if it doesn't go to plan, will you handle my body with care, please? I may miss the old model.

Klaus: If everything goes south, I'll be there to pull you out. We just have to take Esther down before she body-jumps. I don't want all of this to have been for nothing.

Rebekah: ( smiles ) You and I on the same team. It must be Christmas.
The car fell silent, and Rebekah sighed.
Rebekah: I think Salem's home sick, being in that house was too much for her
Nothing was said between them for a little bit until Klaus spoke up,
Klaus: Why would you say that
Rebekah: She was talking to Elijah about it, and brought up the fact that she doesn't want to go back, but she wants to check on them.
The car fell silent and I fell asleep

I laid in bed and suddenly started screaming. "Salem?" I herd but kept thrashing around in my bed. "Salem!" I herd again, but I kept squirming in whoever's grip I was in. "MARCEL!" they cried out. "There's blood everywhere."My blood curdling screams echoed through the halls, as it felt like a thousand cuts were being made throughout my whole body.
Davina was doing a spell, and I leaned up as the bowl exploded and fell back onto my bed staining my sheets with my blood.

I woke up with a gasp, and looked around to see everyone around me. "Salem?" I herd and looked over to see Klaus speaking to me. "W-What happened?" I asked and they all looked at each other. "L-Las-Last thing I remember was falling asleep in the car, A-A-A-An-And I" I stuttered, but Marcel sat next to me tucking hair behind my ear. Marcel shhhed me and I cleared my throat. "You're okay now, that's all that matters now"

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