50/60K Special! (Answers!)

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Fandom: Hello everyone, and welcome to the 50/60K special!

Leo: Remind me why you couldn't have just, you know, done a 50K special when you reached 50K? Instead of smashing it together with the 60K.

Fandom: Shh, Leo, shh. You don't always need to interject your logic into everything.

Leo: ...I think you're just being lazy.

Fandom: ...Shut up. Moving on, we received thirteen questions. Two of the questions are questionably NSFW, so I put them at the very end of the answer section. I included the reactions of all the royals, even the ones who were removed from the scenarios. Let's begin!

DWN024ShadowMan asks Fandom: "What was your favorite oneshot to write?"

Fandom: Hmm... If I'm being honest, I don't really like how most of my one shots turn/ed out. Writing "Another One" was really fun, and I've been thinking about writing a sequel to it. I also really liked writing the one shots I did for Kana and Morgan ("Growing Up" and "Abandon Me"). I have three one shots in production right now (Two requests and a little self indulgent one...), so I'll see how much I like those!

Nabooru38 asks Leo: "How many tomatoes do u eat in a day?"

Leo: I have no idea who spread around this ridiculous rumor that I eat so many tomatoes!

(Elise and Kamui snicker together in the background)

Xander: Calm down Leo... (holding in chuckles)

Corrin: ...

Leo: Don't you dare.

Corrin: (rare but terrifying evil smirk)

Leo: Corrin please.

Corrin: I'd say... About a bushel a day!

Kamui: And more when he's sad that he can't be with (Your/Name)~

Leo: I hate you both. (bashful blush)

Xander: You really should have more variety in your die—


Blueberry_Lords asks Camilla: "Camilla, which of the wonder twins is your favorite? Corrin or Kamui?"

Kamui: Did they call us... Wonder twins?

Corrin: ... If you weren't (Your/Name), you would pay for that.

Fandom: Corrin, stop being edgy and let Camilla answer the question!

Corrin: You, however, are not technically a reader, so you will pay for that.

Fandom: (eye twitch) Just let Camilla answer, mister edgy McEdgelord. (covers Corrin's mouth with hand)

Camilla: You couldn't possibly make me choose between my two darling little siblings!

Fandom: Well, they can. And have already done. So choose one before I smack Corrin.

Camilla: ...Don't you even think about hurting either of the twins! (dark aura)

Fandom: (sweat drop) You know what, let's just move on to the next question...

LavaFox67 asks Takumi: "How do you feel about #BlameTakumi?"

Fandom: Finally, a question for a Hoshidan!

Takumi: What's #BlameTakumi?

Fandom: ...You poor child you... I don't wanna do this!

Corrin: Why not?

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