20K Result (+ Anniversary!)

906 8 2

Hello everyone! Here are the results for the 20,000 reads poll. If someone voted twice, I only acknowledged the first character they requested.

Total Votes: 18

Laslow: 6

Selena: 1

Niles: 5

Odin: 1

Setsune: 1

Peri: 1

Keaton: 1

Subaki: 2

Laslow will be added to the Scenario chapters from now on!

Also, happy birthday to the EU/US release of Fire Emblem Fates! The actual 'birthday' of these scenarios isn't actually until the 27th however. Perhaps I'll write a birthday scenario for the 27th, but I have no idea.

Also, if any of you noticed, I finally changed the picture for the cover to be HD. It was super low resolution for a while.

Thank you all so much for your patience!


Published February 19, 2017.

Fire Emblem: Fates X Reader Scenarios/OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now