"About what?"

"Anything. We can talk about the weather."

"Yeah, it's really good studying weather isn't it?" I teased, glancing back at him with a smile.

He grumbled as he slowly sat up, an exaggerated pout on his lips. "Fine."

Isaac's POV

"If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?" I questioned, scooping up another bite of ice cream.

"Europe. I kind of have this dream where I just drive all over Europe, visit the places I want to see."

"Just get in a car and go?"

"Yeah. It probably seems silly to you but-"

"No, not at all. In fact, that seems amazing." I quickly interrupted, making a smile appear on her face.

"Maybe one day then."

"Definitely. Do you have any certain places in Europe you want to see?"

"I don't know yet. What about you? Anywhere you want to visit?"

"I would just want to travel. See different places, try different foods."

She nodded, an understanding look in her eyes. "Yeah."

I looked over at the same time she looked down, my lips pulling up into a smile. She glanced back up, her eyes locking with mine.



She smiled as one of her eyebrows lifted. She let out a giggle before looking away again, shaking her head.

"You are a very interesting person, Isaac Lahey."

"Am I?"

"Mm-hmm. There's just something about you and I can't figure out what it is."

"A good thing?"

Her smile grew as she laughed again. "Definitely good."


"Well, I had a lot of fun tonight." Laila said as we walked up the steps to her porch.

"I did too. We should do this again sometime."

"I'd love that. So, I'll see you at school?" She turned to face me, her eyes looking up into mine.

I tightened my grip on her hand, feeling her fingers squeeze mine in return.


"Goodnight Isaac." She started for the door, pausing as I pulled on her hand, back towards me.

I leaned down to press my lips against hers, feeling her free hand reach up to my neck as she got on her toes so I didn't have to reach so far. She was the one to pull away, a smile lighting up her features once again.

"Goodnight Laila."

Stiles's POV

"I'm too tired to move." I whined as Erica attempted to get me to go to the store for more ice cream.

"But I'm hungry."

"We've been eating all day!"

"Well I'm still hungry."

"Why don't you eat something else then?"

"Because I want ice cream and someone decided to eat the entire tub by himself."

"I was hungry." I imitated her voice, making her halfheartedly throw a pillow at me.

She then stood up, stretching out her arms with a yawn. "Fine. I'll find something else since my lazy boyfriend won't get ice cream."

"Get me something too."

She shot me a glare before going downstairs. She returned a few moments later with a giant bag of chips. She sat on the bed next to me, moving my arm so it was slung around her hips as she settled back into the pillows.

I opened my mouth as she pulled out a chip. She sighed before placing it in my mouth.

"Thank you." I smiled as I rested my head in her lap.

I felt her free hand start to run through my hair, making my eyes droop. Eventually they shut as her fingers continued combing my hair.

Author's Note:

Tons of couple moments!

Double update since I hit 6k votes, thank you so much!!

I'll see you in my next chapter. BYEEEE!!!

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